Planar Causal System

Chapter 413 Robbery...

Chapter 413 Robbery...

Kara Shokpan nodded in shame.

Li Liai sighed, unexpectedly, that person is really so strong.

Kara Shokpan struggled and said, "Your Highness, do you know that person?"

Li Liai nodded, and said with complicated eyes: "Last night he broke into the palace and told me something about Kuiba, and he wanted my Shu Kingdom not to send troops to resist Kuiba."

Karashokpan stared wide-eyed and said, "Break into the palace?"

Li Liai sighed: "That's right, the palace's guards are useless, he came to my bedroom easily."

Kara Shokpan wanted to stand up, but there was severe pain in his body, as if all the bones had been broken.

Li Liai hurriedly stretched out his hand to stop him: "Your injury is serious, please don't get up."

Kara Shokpan shook his head and said, "Did he do anything?"

Li Liai shook her head and said, "No, he knows my lover and my son, and is a polite... lobbyist?"

Kara Xiaokepan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Li Xuan didn't do anything, otherwise he must have desperately defended the princess's reputation just now.

Even if they are not a country, Karashokpan is such a knight.

Li Liai asked: "Why did you fight?"

Kara Xiaokepan smiled bitterly: "He wants me to return to the Dragon Kingdom to resist the attack of the Beast Kingdom or the Wing Kingdom. Although none of these things happened, but from his mouth, I always feel that it will happen .”

Li Liai sighed and said: "Yes, he is such a person, even though there is no evidence, but people can't help but trust him."

Kara Xiaokepan suddenly remembered something, and said to Li Liai: "But, why didn't I hear that the princess got married or even had a son?"

Is this a royal scandal?
Li Liai said with complicated eyes: "This is how he persuaded me. I used to live in the beast country, and I became a lover, Man Xiaoman, who was the one you challenged before."

Kara Xiaokepan secretly felt ashamed, no matter how you look at it, that guy doesn't look like a strong man, how did he get the favor of His Highness the Princess?

Li Liai continued: "He was originally very strong. Once I almost failed to break through the barrier. He helped me break through the barrier and let me reach the fifth channel in one go, but he can only stay in the third channel forever."

It turned out to be like this, he is really an amazing guy, his future is as good as a waste and he is still so optimistic.

Of course, Kara Shokpan didn't compare him to himself, after all, he opened six channels at the age of 14.

Not everyone is a genius.

Although what Li Liai said was a bit confusing, but out of gentlemanly demeanor, Kara Xiaokepan did not interrupt, but listened quietly.

Li Liai sighed: "He adopted an orphan, and that orphan has always called me mother, so he is also my child."

Kara Shokpan breathed a sigh of relief, but luckily it wasn't a royal scandal, otherwise it would be a torment for him to know so much.

According to what she meant, she had already agreed that Shuguo would not send troops, which made Kara Xiaokepan secretly startled.

For the Dragon Kingdom, the national power of the Dragon Kingdom will be reduced, and then the Beast Kingdom and the Wing Kingdom will be attracted to attack, but what about the Tree Kingdom?Shuguo is economically prosperous, what is the reason for Shuguo not to resist Kuiba?
Speaking of this, Li Liai suddenly smiled and said: "My son is Kuiba!"


In the territory of the sacred beast kingdom, Li Xuan was walking leisurely on the avenue.

Originally, the country of trees was connected to the country of dragons, so he could go directly to the country of dragons, but he didn't do that, but went to the country of beasts to inquire about information.

Presumably those guys must not be able to sit still, maybe they will make a big move.

Li Xuan's actions were already slow enough, if he did nothing like this, it wouldn't be the Beast Country anymore.

"The guy in front, stop!"

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment, there was a group of people following him before, he didn't think much about it, anyway, there are many people who stop by on the main road, what do you want to do now that there are few people?
Dozens of people with various weapons gradually surrounded Li Xuan.

Their equipment is a bit unsightly, much worse than the official army, even compared to Xue Lun, their appearance is much worse.

A leader pointed at Li Xuan and shouted: "We are the monsters who want to join the army to fight against Kuiba, do you know what to do?"

join the army?What does that have to do with me.

Li Xuan asked puzzledly: "Then you guys go, do you want to drag me into the gang?"

A guy who looked a bit like a dog yelled: "Boy, don't pretend to be stupid, we are going to be the heroes of the Beast Country, and we are doing a great cause. Don't you think we should sponsor us?"

A guy who looked like a leopard nodded and said: "That's right, if you are sensible, hand over all the silver numbers on your body, and spare you!"


Li Xuan couldn't help laughing.

He really didn't expect that someone would dare to rob him, this is the old birthday star hanged himself!

It's no wonder that Li Xuan didn't think about it. It's been almost 100 years since no one dared to rob him. He himself forgot that there are promising professions like robbers in the world.

Oh, this is human nature.

There is a war ahead, and these guys are still making money from the war here. It is estimated that many villages and passers-by have suffered, right?If the crusade against Kuiba is really like this, then Li Xuan will wake up laughing in his dreams.

This is equivalent to Ying Zhengna and Choi being given to him for nothing.

It's a pity that they still have a regular army, and they are destined not to use this group of useless firewood.

Li Xuan waved his hand and said, "I'm in a good mood recently, I don't want to bother with you guys, get out of here."

After nearly ten days of travelling, Dongfang Yueyue's death seemed a bit light to Li Xuan. These were his own fates, and he had a clear conscience.

Anyway, although Dongfang Yueyue died, his spirit and soul are still alive.


"What did the kid say?"

"Let's get out of here?"

"Still too lazy to care?"

"Hey, kid, if you're not in a bad mood, are you going to kill us all?"

Well, Li Xuan now wears very ordinary clothes except for a pair of pupils, and he doesn't have the temperament of a master at all.

But although Li Xuan was wearing ordinary clothes, the materials he used were definitely the best.

Li Xuan didn't notice that he looked like a fat sheep now, especially since he didn't even have a weapon in his hands.

"Ha! Kneel down and get under the uncle's crotch, and the uncle will spare you!"

"That's right! Leave the silver number and get under the crotches of all of us!"

Li Xuan shook his head helplessly, with coldness in his eyes, he said indifferently: "You really are, if you don't die, you won't die."

The mountain-opening ax appeared in Li Xuan's hand.

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Li Xuan's figure is like a phantom, walking quickly through the crowd.

In less than ten breaths, their expressions were still the same as before, but they could no longer breathe the air of this sky.

Brush, brush, brush...

There was a rain of heads in the sky, Li Xuan opened the shield to avoid blood splashing all over his body, and passed through the corpses indifferently.

(End of this chapter)

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