Planar Causal System

Chapter 414 Beast Country

Chapter 414 Beast Country
"People in front, stop!"

A soldier captain yelled at Li Xuan in the distance.

They were patrolling soldiers from the Beast Country. When they were patrolling the avenue, they were shocked to see dozens of headless corpses.

Judging from the fact that their blood is still hot, they should have died not long ago, and the murderer should not have gone far.

The wounds are very neat, it can be seen that they were killed by one move, especially the expressions on their faces, they were shot dead without even having time to react!Must be a strong guy, wandering genie or something?
Although they seem to be the kind of robbers who want to die, killing dozens of people can't just be the case. The murderer is too dangerous and must be controlled.

The Beast Country, which has the largest territory and the largest population, is a traditional agricultural country, and most of the Beast People spend their whole lives dealing with farming.

Due to years of foreign wars and civil strife, the Yaoxia class gradually gained the ruling power of the Beast Kingdom, and the Yaoxia culture was also widely spread in the Beast Kingdom.

The vast land gave the orc people a broad mind, and the cruel war honed their bold character.Driven by such a character, the orcs were repeatedly pushed to the brink of desperation and raised their heads again from adversity.

Under the policy of governing the country with literature, the current Beast Kingdom has adopted various means to avoid the recurrence of wars.

Of course, despite this, the belligerent factor in their bones cannot be avoided, especially the war with the Dragon Kingdom, and there have been constant small frictions on the border.

They guessed right, as expected, they ran into Li Xuan who was wandering on his way without going far.

The man was dressed in ordinary clothes, and his imposing manner was not surprising.But the ability is definitely not ordinary, the ax on his shoulder is still dripping with fresh blood.

Li Xuan turned his head slightly, and there was a gleam of coldness in his listless eyes, is this going to force him to kill all the way to Longguo?
Thinking of this, Li Xuan shook his head slightly, and said indifferently to the guarding soldiers behind him: "You go, you are not my opponent."

buzz, buzz, buzz...

The twelve veins opened in an instant, Li Xuan's double pupils turned scarlet, and the aura on his body pressed towards the soldiers like overwhelming.

War kills people.

Soldiers should die on the battlefield, not meaningless death here.

"You... who are you!"

The patrol captain's face was full of horror.

After all, in Mingmian's history, only Prince Zhuayun has reached the Twelve Veins, and of course Kuiba is not in this range.

However, right here, right now, there is another person who has reached the Twelve Meridians, which is difficult for human beings to reach?
Li Xuan shrugged his shoulders and said: "The communication in this era is really backward, not as good as Qin Shimingyue. My name is Li Xuan, and there should be a warrant for me in about a week. If you don't want to die, get out."

After speaking, Li Xuan turned around and left, ignoring the captain behind him at all.

A soldier whispered to the captain: "Captain, let him pass like this?"

The captain gritted his teeth and said, "Otherwise? Have you forgotten Prince Zhuaoyun back then? This kind of person is not something we can deal with. You saw his appearance clearly just now, right?"

The soldier nodded and said, "I see clearly."

The captain said in a low voice: "Issuing an arrest warrant, let the wandering monsters deal with him. Among the monsters, there are many powerful people with six veins."

The soldier hurriedly said: "Yes."

Li Xuan walked in front, ignoring the dragons behind him, he didn't pay attention to a group of soldiers from the three veins.

The Beast Kingdom is worthy of being a martial empire. This small-scale soldier is all three-vein strong, and the captain is also four-vein.

Of course, if it is a large-scale war, the soldiers should be around the second line, not as good as Yingzheng's expeditionary army.

How about going to see the capital of the beast country?

As soon as he thought about it, he did it, Li Xuan flew up and rushed towards the capital of the Beast Kingdom, leaving only an afterimage on the ground.

"No, his goal is the capital!"

The captain shouted: "Quick, warn the capital as quickly as possible!"

The soldier nodded and said, "Yes! Sir!"

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Li Xuan turned a blind eye to the surrounding scenery, the pedestrians on the road only felt a gust of wind blowing, and Li Xuan's speed was no longer something they could capture.

It took him only two days to reach the capital of the Beast Kingdom. This is the place with the largest population and the strongest combat power in the Beast Kingdom. Even Li Xuan had to be cautious.

At least, you can't rush in directly, otherwise the Harmony Formation of tens of thousands of defenders is no joke.

Li Xuan changed his clothes, and his face changed to a level that ordinary people can't see clearly, but only those with six veins and above can see clearly.

Although the place is prosperous, the arrangement of the buildings inside is very chaotic, giving it a vague feeling of wildness.

If the country of trees is Stormwind City with order, then the country of beasts is Orgrimmar with order in chaos.

Walking on the bustling streets, Li Xuan yawned. Traveling alone was really boring, and he didn't know what happened to Xiao Yu.

How about going to the palace first?
Is it to assassinate some dignitaries, or do something else?
Forget it, let's inquire about some news, and then look at their treasury!Otherwise, it would appear disrespectful to do it too hard, especially what he needs is for the Beast Country to submit to Kuiba, not uproot the Beast Country.

Li Xuan randomly found a shady place and sat down, waiting for the night to fall.

If you just swaggered in during the day, you would probably die miserably. The level of protection in the capital of the Beast Kingdom is definitely not comparable to that of the peace-loving people in the Tree Kingdom.

"Hey, homeless people are not allowed here. If you want to go, go to the refugee camp."

Less than 5 minutes after Li Xuan sat down, a group of soldiers came in front of him.

Although Li Xuan was neatly dressed, he didn't have tattoos on his body, so he wasn't qualified to sit in such a bustling area. He had already been regarded as the kind of wandering monster without tattoos.

Li Xuan opened his eyes, looked dissatisfied at the soldier in front of him, and said in a low voice, "Oh."

After speaking, he walked towards the location they pointed out.

"Hmph, there are more and more people like this recently. If you don't have Wen Yao, you want to join the army. In the end, you can only go to the refugee camp."

"Yeah, but they are all daydreaming. Which round will they get when they fight Quiba? When they see Quiba, they might be scared to pee."

"Yes, that's right, it depends on how many of our brothers are fighting against Kuiba."

"At that time, we will definitely be able to make our Wenyao bigger!"

Li Xuan shook his head unobtrusively in front, there are so many people daydreaming, it seems that they won't take it seriously if they don't give them a long memory.

Let's start with the palace of their beast kingdom, and let them know how wrong it is to go against Quiba.

It doesn't matter if it arouses their blood, anyway, they have decided to let Longguo fight a war of attrition with them.

Things were going on step by step under Li Xuan's plan.

But will things really go so smoothly?
(End of this chapter)

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