Chapter 207

Moxiluo returned to the hotel with a cold and handsome face. From the beginning to the end, he didn't say a word.

After receiving the order to investigate Feng Sumo, Nuo Qi got busy as soon as he returned.

Moxiluo stood alone in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the room, looking at the city scenery outside the window, his deep eyes were stained with ink.

When you are calm, your thinking is usually clearer.

Jing Jing recalled everything that happened at the exhibition today, as well as the faces of Feng Miya and Feng Shuyu, and Moxiluo's frowning brows relaxed little by little.

It seems that none of the two children look similar to Ji Fengwu.

This shows that Ji Fengwu's words cannot be trusted!
But if it wasn't Ji Fengwu's child, whose child would it be?
The little girl and Mia looked obviously different in age, so they couldn't be twins...

"Your Highness!" Nuo Qi's voice suddenly sounded outside the door.

"Say." Mexilo withdrew his thoughts, and slowly spit out a word.

Outside the door, Nuo Qi's voice was full of excitement, "Mrs. Feng is here."

Moxiluo turned around after that, was stunned, and walked towards the door with big strides.

The door was opened, and Yue Luoran stood by the door accompanied by two bodyguards, with a faint smile on her lips, looking at Moxiluo with the gentle eyes in the beginning.

Moxiluo looked into her eyes with a flash of astonishment, turned sideways, and invited her into the room.

"How long has it been since you came to Northern Ireland?" Yue Luoran walked slowly to the sofa and sat down, looking sideways at him behind him.

"A few days." Mexilo replied truthfully.

Yue Luoran smiled slightly, and sighed softly, "I can meet Su Mo in a few days..."

It turns out that she has never believed in the theory of fate, but if many coincidences are not explained by fate, they really cannot be explained.

The coldness on Moxiluo's face melted a little, and his thin lips raised a slight arc.

Yue Luoran took a deep breath, turned her head, her eyes fell on his face, her expression suddenly became serious, "Can you tell me what happened that year?"

Mecillo, "..."

Why is she here today?
"You send Su Mo and Mia away, is there something hidden?" Yue Luoran asked tentatively.

Moxiluo was silent for a while, and his thin lips parted slightly, "Grandpa knows Su Mo's identity as the underworld."



It was already night when Yue Luoran came back from the hotel where Mexilo stayed.

Feng Sumo and Feng Shuyu were sitting on the sofa, their movements were the same, their expressions were the same, even the home clothes they were wearing were parent-child clothes, they were very intimate.

Not noticing Feng Shuyu's movements, Feng Sumo leaned lightly on the sofa, his slender legs lazily overlapping.

Feng Shuyu glanced at her, moved her short legs, and tried to imitate her movements, but her legs were too short, so after trying several times, the movements looked like cross-legged no matter what.

Seeing this scene as soon as she came back, Yue Luoran couldn't help laughing.

"Mom, you're back." Feng Sumo called her and stood up.

"Momo, I have something to tell you." Yue Luoran looked at Xiao Shuyu who stood up after him, motioned to the maid next to her to take her away, and sat beside Feng Sumo herself.

"What's wrong?" Feng Sumo was puzzled.

Yue Luoran looked at her quietly, hesitating whether to repeat what Moxiluo said, or let him explain it in person.

"Mom, where did you go today?" Feng Sumo asked curiously seeing that she was just staring at him in a daze.

Yue Luoran coughed and said in a leisurely tone, "Su Mo, you've been alone for so many years, shouldn't it be time to consider getting married?"

The corner of Feng Sumo's lips twitched slightly, "You despise me?"

Knowing that she was just joking, Yue Luoran smiled and continued, "Girls are all going to marry, and it is impossible to live a lifetime by themselves. Mom arranged a blind date for you. Otherwise, you should go meet someone else tomorrow. Bar?"

Feng Sumo, "..."

(End of this chapter)

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