Chapter 208
Feng Sumo thought that Yue Luoran's words were just a joke, but she didn't expect that the next day, she urged her to do this very seriously.

Feng Shuyu and Feng Miya leaned together, looking at Feng Sumo's mother and son with big eyes strangely, full of confusion.

"Why does Mommy dress so beautifully today?" Feng Shuyu was very confused.

"Isn't Mommy usually pretty?" Yue Luoran helped Feng Sumo tidy up her clothes while answering the little girl.

"Mommy is always beautiful." Feng Shuyu was very sweet, and quickly corrected her.

"Mummy is going out with Daddy Fengwu?" Feng Miya asked tentatively.

"Feng Wu's father is very busy, so he's not free." Yue Luoran replied instead of Feng Sumo.

From the beginning to the end, Feng Sumo didn't say a word, with a clear face, his expression was indifferent, as if this matter had nothing to do with her.

She is not interested in blind dates, but when she thinks of Moxiluo, her original rejection is gone.

A rebellious heart is at work.

Yue Luoran helped her cut her long hair, looked at her beautiful appearance, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Liu'an Xiangdi Cafe, remember." Yue Luoran smiled faintly as she picked up the dress bag next to her and put it in her hand.

Feng Sumo glanced at the two children, turned and left.


Liu An Xiang Di, a very elegant coffee shop, soothing and exotic music flows out quietly, adding flowing colors to the quiet atmosphere.

Feng Sumo came here as promised, picked a seat by the window, and sat down first, all his movements were casual and loose.

"Miss, how many are there?" The waitress walked up to her and asked enthusiastically.

"Both." Feng Sumo raised his eyes and glanced at her, his tone indifferent.

"Okay." The waitress's drooping eyes slowly lifted up, and she wanted to leave. After walking a few steps, she suddenly stepped back.

The blue eyes stared blankly at Feng Sumo, with an unconcealable excitement in his tone, "Are you... the legendary former Crown Prince of Monaco?"

Feng Su Mo's originally indifferent gaze turned cold after that, with a displeased expression on his face, "You misjudged the wrong person."

"But..." The waitress stared at her blankly, her eyes full of confusion.

But obviously it looks like...

Feng Sumo looked away indifferently, only finding it ironic in her reaction.

"Welcome to Liu'an Xiangdi." At the same moment, the soft voice of the receptionist suddenly sounded at the door.

What followed was an exclamation.

"His Royal Highness Crown Prince Heller!"

Feng Sumo, who was not in the mood to pay attention to it, turned his head to one side under the loud exclamation, and looked at the door uncontrollably.

Moxiluo walked towards her step by step with soothing steps, his slender lips raised slightly upwards, his eyes were as dark as a bottomless deep lake, and a deep smile condensed on the side of his lips.

Feng Sumo stood up as if he had received a strong electric shock all over his body.

She turned around and wanted to change lanes to leave, but Moxiluo blocked her way ahead of her...

Around, at the moment of Moxiluo's arrival, a large group of eyes quickly gathered.

After a brief shock, Feng Sumo took a deep breath, calmed his ups and downs, and said in a distant tone, "Why are you here?"

"Go to the appointment." Moxiluo said two words very simply, and grabbed her hand.

Feng Sumo glared at him, twisted his hands, trying to break free, "What appointment?"

"Your appointment." Moxiluo was not in a hurry, the corners of his lips raised evilly, he carried her on his shoulder, and strode towards the outside of the coffee shop.

The flamboyant and domineering action caused an uproar around him.

Feng Sumo's head exploded.

Is he the one she's dating?

She was betrayed by her mother...

(End of this chapter)

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