Chapter 216 Father and Son Truce
Moxiluo stood where he was, his eyes fell between Ji Fengwu and the child, and his heart was very depressed.

In fact, he could guess what Ji Fengwugang said, it should be said intentionally to stimulate him.

Not mentioning that Feng Shuyu doesn't look like him at all, as far as Feng Sumo is concerned, Moxiluo also believes that it is impossible for her to have a relationship with Ji Fengwu.

He believed in Feng Sumo's heart.

However, he is a person of flesh and blood, seeing his child so close to others but being so indifferent to him, he will feel heartbroken...

When Yue Luoran and Feng Jiaye returned home, they saw such a scene, and their eyes fell on Mo Xiluo's face.

Both of them are experienced people, and it is easy to understand his mood with just one look.

"Miya, Xiaoqi!" Yue Luoran called out to the two children softly, breaking the worrying situation in the living room.

"Grandmother!" Feng Miya and Feng Shuyu walked towards her together after that.

"Good." Yue Luoran smiled at the two children, and turned her eyes to Feng Sumo's face. Thinking of what Moxiluo told her that day, she moved her lips, wanting to explain for him, but she didn't speak yet. However, Moxiluo's voice sounded first.

"Madam Feng, long time no see!"

haven't seen you for a long time?

Didn't you see it two days ago?
Yue Luoran frowned lightly, pondering over his words, and understood in her heart that he wanted to pretend that seeing him hadn't happened, and swallowed the words he hadn't blurted out.

Sighing lightly, Yue Luoran led Mia out of the living room.

"Grandmother, what's the matter?" Feng Miya stared at her with quiet eyes, and a faint smile escaped from the corner of her lips.

"Miya..." Yue Luoran looked at him tenderly, her eyes were unusually serious, and she spoke slowly, "Listen to grandma, and don't do anything against Uncle Xiluo in the future, okay?"

"Grandmother, is Xi Luo's daddy?" Feng Miya's star-like eyes flashed a gleam of light, her voice was still immature, but her tone was very calm.

Yue Luoran was astonished.

he knows?
Feng Miya asked, "Has Xi Luo made Mommy sad for many years?"

Yue Luoran put her hand on his shoulder lightly, and a trace of helplessness flashed in her eyes, "Mia, grandma knows that you are a sensible child and love Mommy very much, but the world of adults is much more complicated than children imagine. The relationship between Mommy and Xi Luo is not what you see on the surface, so don't be hostile to uncle because of this, okay?"

The unusually serious eyes made Feng Miya stunned. Although she couldn't understand what she said, she still nodded.

Yue Luoran hugged him lightly, feeling relieved in her heart.

Feng Sumo stood in the living room, his eyes fell on Yue Luoran and Mia outside the house, he really wanted to go over and listen to what they had to say, but just as he stepped out, Moxiluo grabbed his wrist.

"Don't bother people."

"One of the people there is my mother, and the other is my son!" Don't bother.

"we all know."


Feng Jiaye looked at Moxiluo from the side, and the corners of his lips raised a slight arc, "Let's talk too."

"Yeah." Moxiluo nodded and followed him away.

Feng Sumo stood where he was, looking at the Moxiluo father and son who were taken away by the couple, his brows furrowed.

What are they doing?
"What are you going to do?" Ji Fengwu, who was joking with Feng Shuyu, suddenly raised his head and asked Feng Sumo.


"Mecillo, how are you going to solve it?"

Feng Sumo's eyes fell outside the window, and his eyes darkened a little bit.

How to solve it?

She is also wondering about this question...

(End of this chapter)

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