Chapter 217 The Second Trial Marriage
Silence followed Feng Jiaye into the conference hall, and Moxiluo was a little surprised that he suddenly found himself alone.

Feng Jiaye didn't turn the corner, and said directly, "Feng Wu is the godfather of the two children."

Moxiluo didn't expect him to tell himself this, he froze for a moment, raised the corners of his lips, and smiled.

"Shu Yu is a child adopted by the Feng family." Feng Jiaye continued.

Moxiluo's face was calm, and there seemed to be no surprise at all.

"Mia, you should be very clear." From the way he looked at Mia just now, Feng Jiaye knew that Moxiluo had already guessed.

"Yeah." Moxi Luo nodded.

"Miya is six years old. She is a very sensible child. She has learned a lot in Shenyin Hall and can take care of Su Mo." Thinking of Feng Miya, Feng Jiaye smiled faintly.

The child is still so young, but he knows so much. Thinking of this, Feng Jiaye felt sorry for him.

Mecillo is not good at expressing feelings, his heart is surging, and he really wants to say something, but in the end he can only utter two simple words, "Thank you."

"Luoran told me everything about you." Feng Jia Yechang sighed, and the following words were serious, "Su Mo's matter, don't take it alone, if you can't solve it, don't forget that there is Shenyin Hall Back up."

"Uncle..." Moxiluo was surprised.

"Call me Dad." Feng Jiaye put his hands on his shoulders and smiled.

The corners of Moxiluo's lips raised slightly, and he also smiled.

The way of communication between men is simple and straightforward, and it only took a few minutes, and then came out.

When he came out, Feng Sumo was sitting on the sofa, looking out of the window, frowning slightly, as if he was thinking about something.

Seeing the two people coming, one side of the face, the eyes fell on Moxiluo's face, and the brows tightened even more.

When did Dad get so close to him?

Next to him, Ji Fengwu was playing with Feng Shuyu in his arms, the little girl was having a great time, and the "giggle" laughter kept coming.

Mia stood beside her, her immature face was silent, and when she saw Mesilo, her eyes naturally moved to him.

The eyes of father and son met across the air, Moxiluo's eyes were soft, and Feng Miya lost his indifference for the first time when he thought of Yue Luoran's words, and began to seriously look at the man he should call Daddy.

The change in my heart is very subtle.

Mesilo is not good at expressing his feelings, and so is Fumiya. The two just made eye contact and didn't say anything, but the feeling was obviously different from the first time they met.

At the very least, Mia's hostility has weakened.

Although he didn't know what his grandmother told him, he listened to what Yue Luoran said.


Feng Sumo originally thought that Moxiluo would leave soon after he came to Shenyin Hall, but he never expected that he would stay here.

During dinner, several people sat at the same table, Mia was arranged by Yue Luoran next to Moxiluo, and Feng Shuyu sat on the other side of him.

Feng Miya and Moxiluo got together, sitting in the same posture, eating in the same way, and even had the same cold expression, which made Feng Sumo very speechless.

Yue Luoran sat beside her, with a faint smile on her lips.

During the time between eating and going to bed, Feng Sumo didn't say anything.

Dumbly lowering his head, he returned to the room and wanted to close the door, but the door was pushed open by a pair of hands.

Feng Sumo tried hard to close the door, but Moxiluo pushed the door hard, and strode into the room with long legs.

"Mexiluo, our marriage has automatically expired!" Feng Sumo raised his head and looked at him, with a sarcasm on his lips.

"Then start a second trial marriage from now on."


(End of this chapter)

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