Chapter 224 The Eve Before Leaving
Feng Sumo made a decision in his heart, and asked Ji Fengwu to bid farewell that night, and brought the two children with him.

To her, Ji Fengwu is a relative, and to the two children, he is even half a father.

This time I went to Monaco, and the chances of coming back may be much less. As far as Yu Li is concerned, he should go and meet him.

The place where several people meet is a coffee shop.

Feng Shuyu likes Ji Fengwu very much, just arrived, when he saw him sitting on the sofa waiting, his face was filled with laughter, and he rushed over, "Daddy Fengwu!"

"Good." Ji Fengwu ruffles her long hair, hugs her, and places her beside him.

Mia, like Mesilo, is not good at expressing the true feelings in her heart. Although she is also very reluctant to part with Ji Fengwu, she will not act like Feng Shuyu.

Ji Fengwu took a deep breath, and looked seriously at Feng Sumo who was sitting opposite him.

"Have you made up your mind?"

"En." Feng Sumo nodded lightly, with a faint smile in his eyes.

"Even if he once pushed you and Mia away?" Ji Fengwu seriously didn't understand her decision.

"What happened between me and him, we only saw the surface." The corners of Feng Sumo's lips curled into a shallow arc, and his tone was a little self-deprecating.

Ji Fengwu's long eyes stared at hers, his eyes were full of disappointment, and his heart was broken.

"We will all come back, and you will still be able to see me, Xiao Qi and Mia at that time." Feng Sumo pretended not to meet his gaze, and spoke in an extremely relaxed manner.

In Feng Sumo's heart, Ji Fengwu has always been very good, but she is very clear that her feelings for him are family affection beyond friendship, not love.

His happiness does not depend on her.

Facing him, she never blushed like facing Moxiluo, and her heart was as calm as a lake of stagnant water, unable to make a slight ripple.

"At that time, I hope to meet Xiaoqi and Mia's godmother." Seeing that he was silent, Feng Sumo joked with a smile.

Ji Fengwu let out a long breath, concealing the pain in his eyes, pulled the corners of his lips with difficulty, and smiled, "I'm worried that you won't be able to protect yourself well."

"Daddy Fengwu, I will protect Mommy." After hearing that, Feng Miya stood up and threatened domineeringly.

"Not bad, you have spirit." Ji Fengwu admired him.

"Daddy Feng Wu can also go to Monaco to play." Xiao Qi suggested childishly.

"Okay." Ji Fengwu nodded, looking at her with doting eyes.

Feng Sumo quietly watched this scene and smiled slightly.

Ji Fengwu glanced at her out of the corner of his eye, bitterness filled his heart.

Should he give up?


After spending several hours with Ji Fengwu, it was already 10:30 when Feng Sumo returned home with his two children.

Moxiluo walked out from the gate of the Hermitage of God, and it seemed that he was about to find someone.

Feng Sumo held a child's hand in one hand, and looked at him through the hazy night, with a dazzling smile on his lips.

"Where did you go?" Moxiluo walked to her side, his worried eyes turned up and down on her body.

"Go out with friends for a while." Feng Sumo explained in a simple sentence, dragged the two children and walked into the Shenyin Hall.

Moxiluo stood where he was, looking at her back, his thick eyebrows raised slightly.

What friends need to gather for so many hours?

Feng Shuyu, who was walking in front, suddenly turned his head and glanced at him. As if guessing his thoughts, he broke free from Feng Sumo's hand and trotted to his side.

(End of this chapter)

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