Abduction of love and marriage: wrongly provoking the black emperor

Chapter 225 One Family and Three Members Disappear

Chapter 225 The Family of Three Disappeared
Waving his little hand, Feng Shuyu signaled him to squat down.

Mecilo bent down, the corners of his lips slightly raised, "You want to let me know?"

Feng Shuyu blinked her big eyes and nodded.

The corners of Moxiluo's lips curled up in satisfaction, and he was very pleased that Feng Sumo didn't teach a girl who was as heartless as her.

Feng Shuyu lingered in his ear, and said in a childlike voice, "We just went to see Feng Wu's father, and we talked about many things."

In a word, the smile on the corner of Moxiluo's lips froze a little bit, and Jun's face darkened on the spot.

He's leaving tomorrow, so it's fine if she doesn't express a little opinion, but she actually went to chat with other men for so long...

When Mexilo returned to the room, thinking about this matter, his heart felt like a knot all night, and he was very upset.

The two slept on the same bed, and tried to push her under him several times, but when he saw her peaceful sleeping face, Moxiluo just fixed there with his outstretched hand, and couldn't bear it. to destroy.

When he woke up the next day, Feng Sumo came to the dining room as if nothing had happened, and helped the two children prepare a nutritious breakfast as usual, and then he was busy in the kitchen, not knowing what he was doing.

With a sullen face, Moxiluo walked up to her in a few steps, regardless of what work she was doing, pulled her into his arms, raised her face, and forced her eyes to look at him , with restrained anger in a cold tone, "I'm on the plane today."

"Shouldn't you have breakfast first?" Feng Sumo picked up a well-made breakfast beside him and handed it to him.

"Feng Sumo!" Moxiluo yelled her name in a low voice, looking at her indifferent face, he had the urge to strangle her to death.

A roar made Feng Miya and Feng Shuyu at the dining table turn their heads at the same time, and their eyes fell on Moxiluo's face.

"It's okay, you continue." Moxiluo glanced at the two children, his black eyes locked on Feng Sumo's face again, "Do you want me to leave?"

"This is your freedom, and it has nothing to do with my wish." Feng Sumo pushed him away, and walked out of the kitchen with two dinner plates.

After breakfast, he didn't say anything else.


Mecillo's ten o'clock plane.

Not long after breakfast we had to set off.

Moxiluo's expression was very bad, and he didn't mention Feng Sumo's answer before he left. He couldn't even find her figure before he left.

Sitting in the car to the airport, Moxiluo lowered the window and looked at Yue Luoran who was standing outside the car to see him off, "Mom, where did Su Mo go?"

"I don't know, I saw it before." Yue Luoran slightly raised her lips, and there was a smile on her lips, which was very thought-provoking.

"Why didn't Mia and Xiaoqi see it?" Thinking that he didn't even see his son's face before leaving, Moxiluo became even more gloomy.

Yue Luoran thought for a while and said, "Should be with Su Mo."

"Your Highness, we are running out of time." Nuo Qi sat next to him and urged in a low voice.

"Let's go." Moxiluo glanced at the Feng family outside the car again, and ordered lightly.

The Shenyin Temple was about half an hour away from the airport. When they arrived at the airport and changed their tickets, Moxiluo led Nuoqi to the plane.

The two booked the first-class cabin, and Nuoqi's position was more than a dozen numbers away from Mesilo's.

When Moxiluo sat in his seat, there were already people sitting next to him, and a large newspaper was held in his hand, blocking his face.

Moxiluo was not in the mood to look at others, leaning back in his chair, and slowly closed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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