Chapter 257 Get Out!
"What?" Kanocchi's voice suddenly rose, and there was a trace of sullenness in his eyes.

"Your Highness, I have asked the royal doctor, and the dosage will be fine." Mrs. Debi knew that he was only worried about Mecillo, so she hurriedly explained.

"It's best to be okay." Kanocchi turned his back and looked out of the window again.

Mecillo has always been his grandson, the character closest to him, and the one he values ​​the most.

It was precisely because of this relationship that he did not reveal Feng Sumo's affairs in the end.

Although, he really wanted to do it...

However, he can't.

Seeing so many blatant provocations by Mexiro, Kanocchi knew that if this matter was really announced to the media, the relationship between their grandparents would definitely be completely broken.

On the contrary, if he doesn't say anything, he can still seize Feng Sumo's weakness and control Moxiluo properly...

In the room, Su Rui continued to tease.

Mesilo was sweating more and more because of forbearance, and his eyes were burning like fire.

Su Rui clearly noticed the changes in his body, and when he guessed that the medicine should be at its strongest, he undid the buttons on his body one by one with onion-like long fingers.

Moxiluo grabbed her wrist, trying to push her away, but Su Rui suddenly lowered his head, and kissed his chest with red lips...

"Xi Luo!" Suddenly, the door was pushed open with a bang, and Feng Sumo's soft call sounded in the room, followed by a slender figure stepping into the room.

Lance and Ian followed her and also entered the room.

A wave of anger rose in Su Rui's chest, and all his movements froze on the spot.

Feng Sumo's clear eyes followed Moxiluo's sweaty face, slowly moved down to his open skirt, and then turned to Su Rui whose face was about to be pressed against his chest, his eyes suddenly turned cold.

Ian and Lance stood beside Feng Sumo, watching the scene in the room, and finally they all looked at Moxiluo's face.

Moxiluo put his hand on Su Rui's wrist, pushed her aside, and strode towards Feng Sumo.

Feng Sumo looked at him in shock, his chest was oppressed as if the blood was flowing backwards, and the fingertips of his drooping hands dug into the flesh.

"You guys go back first." Mexilo turned to Lance and Ian and confessed, glanced at Su Rui next to him, and said a word coldly with his thin lips, "Get out!"

Lance and Ian knew that they couldn't solve the problem by staying and helping, so they walked out consciously. Su Rui's rare opportunity was destroyed, so he gave Feng Sumo a look, turned and left.

Feng Sumo's head was very confused, and he turned his body, and wanted to follow out of the room, but was suddenly grabbed by Moxiluo.

The world was spinning, the slender body was pressed against the cold wall, Mesilo's slender body pressed against her, and his thin lips kissed her lips obsessively——

Feng Sumo didn't know what he and Su Rui had done just now, and suddenly felt nauseated in his heart, and wanted to push him away, but Moxiluo's strength was astonishing at this moment, holding her with iron arms, not to give up A sliver of escape.

"Let me go!" Feng Sumo felt wronged, clenched his hands into fists, and began to beat his chest.

"Don't move..." Moxiluo endured for too long, pressing her body forcefully, but his tone was a little weak.

Feng Sumo was very contradictory, his heart was obviously sour, but seeing the sweat on his face, he felt distressed, and finally reason overcame jealousy, raised his arm, and wiped it for him.
(End of this chapter)

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