Chapter 258 His strength
"Are you okay?" Feng Sumo asked a question that even an idiot could understand.

"Not good." Moxiluo said two words decisively, took her hand, and kissed her violently again.

He knew that his actions would hurt her, and wanted to bear it, but once his drugged body touched her, he couldn't bear it no matter what.

"Why did this happen?" Feng Sumo raised his head and let him kiss him, but he did not forget the reason for the forced confession.

She believes that he won't turn his back on her and mess around with other women, but that doesn't mean she doesn't mind seeing her man being so intimate with other women at all...

Mesilo's thin lips, which were too much forbearance, grabbed her red lips again, blocked her small mouth that kept asking, and tore her clothes with his hands...


When Feng Sumo woke up, he was in the room of the manor villa.

After tossing and tossing all night, my body was very sore.

Seeing her wake up, Ji'er thoughtfully prepared warm water for her to bathe in.

"Where did the Crown Prince go?" Feng Sumo asked her as she walked towards the bathroom.

"Your Highness brought you back in the early morning, and you should be busy with political affairs in the study at the moment." Ji'er replied patiently, and her address remained unchanged.

In Jier's mind, Feng Sumo is the best candidate for the princess.

Feng Sumo was slightly taken aback, feeling ashamed.

He didn't even know how he brought it back.

Ji'er helped her massage her sore body, and within 10 minutes, Feng Sumo suddenly stood up, "Go and do your work first, don't worry about me."

After briefly explaining to her, Feng Sumo got dressed and walked towards the study.

In the study, Lance was sitting next to Mecillo, and the two were discussing the next royal meeting.

Seeing Feng Sumo walking in, Lance first sized her up from head to toe, smiled a little narrowly, "Good morning!"

"Morning." Feng Sumo responded lightly, and turned to look at Moxiluo, "What happened last night?"

Moxiluo lowered his eyes, thought for a while, and said frivolously, "I was drugged."

"Su Rui?" Feng Sumo tentatively guessed.

"Probably not." Moxiluo analyzed rationally.

Before he was drugged, Suri had never approached him from the beginning to the end, so it was impossible for him to have a chance to touch him.

"Why did she appear in your room?" Feng Sumo continued to ask.

She really wanted to stop thinking about the scene last night, but she just couldn't.

"Maybe she passed by and saw me in the room." Moxiluo analyzed Su Rui's remarks last night, and it seemed possible.

Listening to his words, Feng Sumo fell into deep thought.

It wasn't from Su Rui, but it happened to be bumped into by Su Rui. Is it such a coincidence?

The scene of Mrs. Debi walking in front of everyone with wine suddenly appeared in my mind last night, and Feng Sumo frowned tightly.

Could it be the wine?
Everyone else's wine was taken at random, but Mesiro's glass was taken from Mrs. Debbie.

If Mrs. Debbie had given it, it would be easy to explain why it happened.

The Prince wants to make Siro and Suri!

"What did you think of?" Mexilo asked, rubbing his still painful forehead.

"It's nothing, you continue to discuss the business, I'll go and see the two children." Feng Sumo responded lightly, and walked out of the room in a daze.

Moxiluo looked at her figure quietly, until she disappeared at the door, then looked back and signaled Lance to continue. ——
(End of this chapter)

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