Chapter 261 Who dares to touch my mommy (1)

"Ah—" A broken scream sounded in the room, Su Rui's pupils shrank suddenly in fright, and his body limp in the corner.

Brian came aggressively and threw himself on her body, about to bite her, when Mexilo walked up to one man and one wolf and stopped it from doing so.

Suri is a princess of a country. If something happens in Monaco, it will cause international disputes.

Although Mexilo has no feelings for her or Canocci, but, as the crown prince of a country, he cannot open his eyes and watch such a thing happen.

Mia's purpose should be just to scare her, and it's enough to develop to this point.

Su Rui gasped in shock, Hulu's eyes widened at Brian, and he forgot to react for a while.

"Princess Su Rui, are you alright?" Mrs. Debi was an elderly person after all, and she was better at calmness. After a short shock, she came back to her senses, walked to Su Rui's side, and helped her up.

Su Rui stared at her blankly, his face was a little pale, and a few drops of cold sweat dripped down his pretty face on his forehead, as if he was still a little bit overwhelmed.

"It's simply unreasonable!" Kanocchi looked at Mecillo, full of anger.

"Since coming to this place makes you so unhappy, please ask grandpa to go back." Moxiluo stroked Brian's back and coldly issued the order to evict him.

"Why did such a thing happen just now?" Kanoqi couldn't swallow the anger in his heart, ignored his rushing words, and asked the reason of the incident with a cold face.

He watched Mexilo grow up. Canocci knew his character better than anyone else, and he would not do something like keeping a wolf in captivity at home to attack guests at any time.

Feng Sumo?
Such a name suddenly flashed through Kanocchi's head.

"Feng Sumo did it?"

"Grandpa, I know you don't like Su Mo, but there's no need to have anything to do with her, right?" Moxiluo's face darkened suddenly when he heard his indiscriminate interrogation.

Feng Sumo is his woman, he doesn't even have the heart to let her be wronged, let alone anyone else!
After regaining consciousness, Su Rui, who happened to hear this, had a gleam of anger in his eyes, and followed Kanoqi's guess, "It must be her, she is taking revenge for what happened last night!"

Moxiluo narrowed his cold eyes slightly, and shot at her with gloomy eyes, the bottom of which was as cold as ice.

Su Rui trembled in fright at the look in his eyes, and fell silent.

In Mia's room, Feng Sumo squatted down, hugging a child with one arm, with a serious face, "Mia, Mommy knows that you did this for Mommy, but the behavior just now was too impulsive, you know? "

Feng Mia lowered her head and did not speak.

Ever since he was a child, he never let Feng Sumo worry about him, he was indeed too impulsive just now.

In fact, he himself knew this, but he just couldn't stand others treating Feng Sumo like this.

Mia has always been sensible enough to make Feng Sumo feel bad, and couldn't bear to blame him too much, Feng Sumo hugged him into his arms and hugged him tightly with his arms.

She doesn't know what's going on over there now. What she's worried about is that Kanoqi and Suri won't give up. If it turns out that Mia did it, she's afraid that Mia will be hurt.

"Mummy, don't be angry, we will be obedient next time." Feng Shuyu comforted beside her.

Feng Sumo's eyes drooped slightly, and his heart fell into deep thought.

Now that the matter has developed to this point, will Kanocchi send someone to investigate this matter?
Su Rui didn't know what was going on...

(End of this chapter)

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