Chapter 262 Who dares to touch my mommy (2)

"Miya, listen to Mommy, stay here with Shu Yu, I'll go check on the situation." Feng Sumo was worried, and even more worried that the matter would eventually be tracked down to Mia, so he confessed, got up and walked out of the room .

"Where is Feng Sumo?" In the room, Kanoqi looked at Moxiluo angrily and asked.

A cold sneer escaped from the corner of Moxiluo's lips, and he ignored it.

Feng Sumo, who came here just to hear these words, glanced at Su Rui's still pale face out of the corner of his eye, took a deep breath, and walked slowly in front of Kanoqi.

"Su Mo..." Moxiluo didn't expect her to come back, and wanted to pull her to his side, but suddenly there was a "slap" in the room, and the audience was surprisingly quiet after that.

Feng Sumo's fair and clear face had a clear five-fingerprint, and Kanoqi raised his hand high, and was about to continue to throw it down, but Moxiluo suddenly grabbed his wrist.

"What are you doing?" Kanocchi yelled at him furiously.

Moxiluo glanced sideways at Feng Sumo's immediately red and swollen face, his heart twitched, and he shook off Kanoqi's hand, his eyes met his face coldly, "Grandpa, please take your people go back!"

Feng Sumo's face was in hot pain, his eyes were dizzy from the beating, and he clenched his white teeth stubbornly, but he didn't say anything.

If a slap can solve Mia's problem, she will bear it!

Outside the door, Feng Miya and Feng Shuyu were lying by the door, looking at this scene in shock, regardless of Feng Sumo's reminder just now, two small figures rushed into the room tacitly.

Kanoqi gave Feng Sumo a cold look, turned around and wanted to leave, but was stopped by Feng Shuyu and Feng Miya who rushed in.

"Who dares to touch my mommy!" Feng Miya stood in the middle of him, in a word, domineering and awe-inspiring.

"You're a bad grandpa!" Feng Shuyu swung his small fist and punched Kanoqi one after another. Feeling that it wasn't enough, he even hugged his hand and bit him.

In the room, there was a sudden chaos.

"Xiao Qi!" Feng Sumo was afraid that Kanoqi would bring his anger on the child, so he repeatedly pulled Xiao Qi into his arms.

Feng Miya walked up to Su Rui step by step, raised her head, looked at her provocatively, and warned her word by word, "I tell you, Daddy likes my mommy. If anyone dares to snatch her, I will let you out." Not Monaco!"

"Daddy?" Su Rui and Kanoqi turned their heads sideways after addressing that, and their eyes fell on Feng Miya's face.

"That's right, whoever dares to destroy Daddy and Mummy, we will definitely make him look good!" Feng Shuyu walked up to Feng Miya in a few steps, and stood on the united front with him.

Kanocchi's blue eyes stared at Feng Miya's immature but domineering face, and his eyes slowly moved to Moxiluo, "Is he your son?"

Feng Sumo didn't understand Kanocchi's thoughts, and didn't want him to know Mia's existence, so he pulled Mesilo, wanting him to shake his head, but Mesilo nodded decisively, "The relationship between me and Su Mo child!"

Before, he didn't want Kanocci to meet Mia, but now that he had met Mia, Mesilo believed that lying was useless to him.

Sooner or later Canocchi would discover the truth.

Moreover, Mia still has so many similarities with him...

Su Rui's face suddenly turned pale, and his heart was empty.

Feng Sumo hugged Feng Miya into his arms full of protection, and looked at Kanoqi warily.

Kanocchi looked at Feng Mia in shock, unable to speak for a long time.

Ciro's children...

(End of this chapter)

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