Chapter 270 Overturned, Overturned

Feng Sumo didn't think so. He was afraid that he would push forward and make more moves later. In a panic, he pushed hard with the hand on his chest. Sitting on the bow, Moxiluo's body was facing the water without any defense. fell down.

The moment he got out of the canoe, he grabbed Feng Sumo's hand——

"Plop!" Two sounds of falling into the water sounded one after another on the surface of the water. The peaceful and beautiful Bora Bora night was completely broken by those discordant voices.

After a few seconds, the surroundings became calm again...

Feng Sumo poked his head out of the water, looked at his drenched body with clear eyes, and then at Moxiluo, who was also drenched beside him, and roared, "Bastard!"

Moxiluo was very satisfied with her embarrassment, the corners of his lips raised, and he said in a leisurely tone, "This is called suffering together."

"You clearly did it on purpose." Feng Sumo stared at him, accusing.

"The water is very clear." Moxiluo wiped off the water droplets on his face, stretched out his long arms, took Feng Sumo into his arms, and wiped off the water stains on her cheeks.

"Then you can continue to enjoy it inside." Feng Sumo lifted the hem of the skirt, and walked towards the shore with one foot deep and one foot shallow.

"What can I enjoy alone?" Moxiluo followed her ashore, and the water stains on his body spread along the long sandy beach all the way to the hotel.

In the room, Feng Shuyu sat on Mia's bed, tilted her head, her big clear eyes were full of confusion, "Mia, tell me, where did Daddy and Mummy go?"

Feng Miya sat on the chair next to her, thought for a while, and said, "It's time to go for a walk."

"Mia, I'm a little sleepy." Feng Shuyu yawned, his little head fell on his bed, and he closed his eyes and was about to fall asleep.

"Xiao Qi, go and see if Daddy and Mummy are back first." Mia had never slept in the same bed with her, and was worried that she could not take good care of her, so she walked up to her in a few steps and wanted to pull her up .

Before her hand touched Feng Shuyu's body, she sat up abruptly.

Blinking her big eyes, looking at Feng Miya standing beside her, Feng Shuyu coquettishly grabbed his arm, "You can carry me!"


"I'm very tired..." Feng Shuyu begged sweetly with big eyes full of expectation.

Feng Miya hesitated for a while, then bent down and picked her up.

Feng Shuyu's body is small, very light, and very soft. That little weight is not a problem for Mia.

Holding her petite body, Mia walked towards Feng Sumo's room.

In the room, the two people who were drenched all over had just returned.

The road that has been traveled, the water stains left behind are very spectacular.

Feng Sumo entered the room, picked up a piece of clean clothes, and ran directly to the bathroom.

Moxiluo wanted to follow in, but there was a knock on the door suddenly.

Walked a few steps to the door, opened the door, glanced at the little girl in Mia's arms, thinking that Feng Sumo would not come out to meet him, Moxiluo refused very bluntly, "Didn't Xiao Qi promise tonight?" Did you sleep with your brother?"


Feng Shuyu wrinkled her lovely nose, poked her head out of Mia's arms, her small face was full of grievances.

"It's late, let's all go to sleep." Moxiluo gestured to Mia with his eyes, and Mia took Xiao Qi to the room in understanding.

Looking at the two figures leaving, Moxiluo felt relieved.

No bad things, tonight, she is his!
In fact, Feng Sumo felt nothing when sleeping with Mia. What she felt wronged just now was that she was dismissed by Moxiluo without even seeing Feng Sumo...

Daddy is dead!Necrosis!
(End of this chapter)

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