Abduction of love and marriage: wrongly provoking the black emperor

Chapter 271 Let's Get Married, Your Highness

Chapter 271 Let's Get Married, Your Highness
Feng Miya is only six years old, she only knows how to handle her own affairs well and take care of Feng Shuyu, and the other party is a girl, he really doesn't know how to do it.

The two little ghosts were lying on the same bed, Feng Shuyu nestled in Mia's arms, his little arms were around his waist, and there was a sweet smile on his lips.

Mommy said that girls can't be intimate with boys casually, but every time she sees Mia, she can't help but want to get close to him.

Why is this?

Feng Shuyu tilted his head to think for a while, and came to a conclusion that Mia is not an ordinary boy.

He has the same parents as her, lives together, is inseparable, and is a little closer to Mia, it doesn't matter.

"Go to sleep." Mia only regarded Feng Shuyu as her younger sister, guessing that Moxiluo didn't want her to disturb his time alone with Feng Sumo, so she took over the drudgery sensibly.

Feng Shuyu nodded, with a smile on his lips, and fell asleep sweetly.

In Moxiluo's room, Feng Sumo stayed in the bathroom for nearly an hour, opened the door, and walked out slowly.

Moxiluo stood by the window, his clothes were still dripping with water, and his long arms were propped by the door. He looked at her calmly, and said in a leisurely tone, "We will wash together next time, saving time and water."

In more than 50 minutes, he almost broke through the door and rushed in.

"Go and wash first." Feng Sumo was a little self-aware, stopped wiping his hair, pushed him to the bathroom, and closed the door for him.

Compared with Feng Sumo, Moxiluo was obviously much more efficient. After a few minutes, he walked out wrapped in a bath towel.

With slender legs, he walked to her side in a few steps, taking over the movements of her hands, and Moxiluo carefully wiped her hair.

"When are we going back?" Feng Sumo let him wipe, feeling his silky gentleness, and suddenly asked.

There was a cold snort that was almost inaudible from the tip of Moxiluo's nose, but he didn't answer.

In fact, he chose this time to leave Monaco with her and the child on purpose.

He's betting on Canocci's heart!

Such a serious incident happened that day. After returning home, Grandpa must have thought a lot, right?

Leaving and letting each other calm down for a while may improve their relationship.

Moreover, he didn't believe that he had already reached this point, and Kanoqi would still insist on him marrying Suri after returning home.

Thinking of Su Rui's face, Moxiluo suddenly stopped what he was doing, turned around to Feng Sumo, and looked at her seriously, "Let's get married."

"...Isn't it all over already?" Feng Sumo laughed it off.

"It's no longer valid." Mexilo was serious about the matter.

Marriage is not just a formality.

He wanted her to be his legitimate wife, and Mia also needed a real identity.

The glory and status that belonged to him belonged to her too!

Feng Sumo looked into his eyes quietly, read the seriousness in his eyes, felt a palpitation, and nodded slightly.

Mecillo continued, "We held the ceremony here first, and after we go back, we will solve the formalities."

"En." Feng Sumo responded lightly, and didn't have much opinion on this matter.

The corners of Moxiluo's lips suddenly lifted up, and a trace of evil spirit floated up in the bottom of his eyes, and the conversation suddenly changed, "Then let's pass the bridal chamber first tonight?"

Feng Sumo froze for a moment, and was about to nod his head habitually, but he woke up instantly, "Sex, wolf!"

Moxiluo curled his lips and smiled wickedly.

(End of this chapter)

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