Chapter 272 Overbearing Su Mo

Mecilo fell ill miraculously the next day. This was the first time he had been ill since he could remember. He had a fever close to 40 degrees. It was speculated that the cause was caused by falling into the water last night.

Feng Sumo poured him a glass of water, took the medicine, and walked to him.

"Swallow it, the doctor said it's very useful." Feng Sumo brought the pill to his lips, motioning him to swallow it.

"No." Moxiluo frowned and refused decisively.

"Why not?" Feng Sumo only thought that his young master had lost his temper, and sat down beside him, poking his chest with his slender fingers, his little face changed color on the spot.

"I'm fine." Moxiluo lazily leaned against the head of the bed, except that his face was a little red and the temperature measured by the thermometer was abnormal, in other respects, he seemed to be no different from when he was not sick.

Feng Sumo was puzzled.

Forty degrees can still be so energetic?

"You have to swallow it if you have nothing to do." Feng Sumo imitated his previous appearance, clasped his chin, and forced to feed him.

Moxiluo lowered his eyes, looked at her slender jade fingers, and smiled softly, "More than me?"

"Swallow it?" Feng Sumo continued to ask.

"I'm really fine." Mexilo was very disdainful of the medicine.

From childhood to adulthood, he has never eaten that thing, and his physical ability can be recovered naturally without medication.

Feng Sumo frowned, a little angry and a little anxious.

She stared at him annoyed, wanting to pour him directly.

Isn't it just a matter of swallowing the medicine, so is it necessary to be so stubborn?
Moxiluo looked at her swollen face, he couldn't bear it, and wanted to swallow it reluctantly, Feng Sumo suddenly put the pill in his hand into his mouth, cupped his handsome face, brought his red lips to his, He passed the pill in his mouth.

Moxiluo froze for a while, and was forced to swallow, a little unresponsive.

Feng Sumo's face was slightly uncomfortable, and he felt that his behavior was extremely like a womanizer, grabbing his chin, and kissing indirectly, what would he think of her?

"I like this way." After a brief absence, Moxiluo raised the corners of his lips and smiled contentedly.

Feng Sumo glanced at him, pushed him away, and sarcastically said, "What are you trying to do? I also fell into the water, and I was fine, but you have a fever, so feel free to do so."

Moxiluo wanted to tell her that this kind of thing would not have happened if she hadn't let him soak in the bathroom for nearly an hour while she was soaking him in the air.

However, I wanted to go back to thinking, but I didn't say it.

He didn't want to blame her for anything.

"Go to sleep." Feng Sumo lifted the quilt for him, and pressed him back to the bed like taking care of a child.

"Feng Sumo, I'm your husband!" Moxiluo was not happy with her care, so he stretched out his long arms, dragged her down beside him, and wrapped her in his arms.

He is her protector, how can he be taken care of like a child?
"Yes, take a rest first." Facing the patient, Feng Sumo was very talkative, he said what he said, and even lay obediently beside him, acting as a sleeping companion.

"We'll have a wedding tomorrow." Moxiluo murmured with his arms around her.

"Do you want to wait until you recover from illness?" Feng Sumo put his hand on his forehead, feeling the scorching temperature, and felt a little cold in his heart.

"Don't worry, I'm fine." Moxiluo took her hand, placed it on his chest, and smiled jokingly, "The bridal chamber is fine."


(End of this chapter)

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