Chapter 276 Sudden Attack
Realizing this problem, Mia's whole body's defensive line was pulled up in an instant.

The big eyes randomly shot around the room, and Feng Miya's eyes locked on the bottom of the bed.

Outside the door, Hannah waited impatiently with a few people.

"Master, are you not in the room?" A blond man guessed.

Generally speaking, if the two children were only a few years old, if they heard a knock on the door, they would definitely rush to open the door.

The child's vigilance is the weakest.

"Bump the door!" Hannah took a few steps back, gave the space at the door to the followers, and stood beside her to give instructions.

Whether it is there or not, you can only find out after searching.

Several big men got the order and slammed against the door panel.

In the room, Feng Shuyu's eyes widened in shock, and he tightly held Mia's hand, with a very small voice, "Mia, what should we do?"

"Under the bed." Feng Miya calmly instructed, leading her to the bed, and without any explanation, pushed her small body into the bottom of the bed.

Looking at the trend of knocking on the door, it seems that there are many people outside the door.

He didn't know the identity of the other party, and there was Shu Yu beside him, so he had no idea about the outcome.

The moment the two small bodies got under the bed, the door was kicked open by a huge kick, and several men in black suits walked in under the leadership of Hannah.

The fierce eyes wandered around the room, and the gun in his hand shot around a few times, and a group of people walked to the bathroom.

"Master, there is no one."

Hannah stopped in her tracks, looking down in thought.

Where can the two little ghosts go?

Under the bed, Feng Miya was afraid that Feng Shuyu would make a sound, so she covered her mouth with her hands, and the two of them stared out cautiously, watching the feet of several people walking around in the room, their hearts tugged.

Mia treated this situation calmly, and Shu Yu was a little scared, but she cooperated and did not make a sound.

Hannah's people searched the room, and even stood in the room waiting for a few minutes. After not finding the two children, Qiqi withdrew from the room.

"Find it for me, even if you search the whole island, you still have to find that family of four!" Accompanied by the footsteps of leaving, Hannah's cold voice came from outside the door, and Mia's eyes darkened under the bed. down.

This group of people came for the four of them?
So, where are Daddy and Mommy now?

"Miya, what should we do now?" Feng Shuyu took a small mouthful of fresh air, and looked at Mia.

Mia didn't know the current situation of Moxiluo and Feng Sumo, and was very worried. After crawling out from under the bed, she took out her mobile phone and dialed Moxiluo's number.

However, the phone called "beep" several times in a row, but there was still no sign of connecting.

Mia's hand holding the phone slowly tightened, and a guess suddenly formed in her mind.

Something happened to Daddy and Mommy...

Under normal circumstances, Moxiluo would never refuse to answer his calls, and even if he was busy, he would explain to him first.

Aware of this problem, Mia called Moxiluo again, but unexpectedly, she got only the "beep" connection tone several times in succession.

If something happened to Daddy and Mummy, then it seems that this group of people came to him and Shu Yu after looking for them.

Those people are searching them now, if he and Shu Yu go out to find Daddy and Mommy, it must be more dangerous.

It is also dangerous to stay in this room all the time.

What should I do?
(End of this chapter)

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