Chapter 277 Night of the Uninhabited Island

Feng Sumo woke up to the "creaking" sound of burning branches.

Mecilo sat by the fire with his back to her, and focused on adding branches to the fire. The bright yellow firelight reflected on the perfect profile, casting a silhouette, dreamy and blurred.

Feng Sumo stood up and sat beside him.

"Wake up." Moxiluo turned his head to look at her, and raised his lips slightly.

"En." Feng Sumo nodded lightly, picked up a branch, and picked the burning branch in the fire, and the fire burned even hotter after that.

"Is it cold?" Putting the dry coat on her body, Moxiluo stretched out his long arms and hugged her into his arms.

"Where is this place?" Feng Sumo asked after looking around.

She remembered that they were still struggling in the sea before losing consciousness.

"It should be a small island near Bora Bora." Mesilo stroked her body a few times, feeling her warm skin, and without any signs of illness, he withdrew his hand reassuringly.

"Looking at this, it seems to be an uninhabited island." Feng Sumo stood up, and his eyes were emptied on the dark island.

"I just checked the surrounding environment. There is no one living on the island, but there are some wine bottles, which may be left by someone who came to have a picnic during the day." Moxiluo raised his arm and pulled her towards him. , Feng Sumo staggered and sat on his lap defenselessly.

"Tonight is our bridal night." Mo Xiluo's handsome face was attached to her ear, with a smile in his eyes.

"There are so many bridal chambers, return the bridal chamber." Feng Sumo reprimanded softly, thinking of Hannah, her delicate eyebrows frowned unconsciously, "Tell me, if those people can't find us, will they hurt Mi? Ya and Xiaoqi?"

Moxiluo's face turned serious after her words, and he drooped his eyes in thought for a while, with a chill in the bottom of his eyes.

This is very possible.

How should the two children cope?

"Let's go back!" Feng Sumo worried, stood up and wanted to leave.

"There is no boat nearby at night. If we go back, we will probably have to wait until tomorrow."

"What should Mia and Xiaoqi do?" Feng Sumo became anxious when he thought of the two children, looking at the dark sea, his eyes were full of sadness.

Mesilo was very helpless about this. They didn't have any communication tools on them, and they couldn't contact Mia. They didn't know each other's situation. Such a mood was really annoying.

"Let's go to the island to find out if there is anything that can help us leave this small island, shall we?" Feng Sumo turned his head and looked at him pleadingly.

Moxiluo was worried about the child, so he agreed.

The two took a torch and walked on the dark island.

The uninhabited island has no dedicated road and is overgrown with weeds, making it a bit difficult to walk.

Feng Sumo cautiously followed Moxiluo, and while walking, he used the firelight to search for things on the island that could help them leave.

The grass on the island was very deep, and when one stepped on it, the grass could be submerged up to his calf. Suddenly, Feng Sumo tripped over something, and his body staggered and fell to the ground.

"Are you okay?" Moxiluo turned around and his eyes fell on her.

Feng Sumo wanted to get up, but a cold chill hit her calf, as if something was entangled up, followed by a sudden pain in her leg, which made her cry out "ah". .

The torch in Moxiluo's hand moved down slowly, and when he got closer to her, his eyes turned cold when he saw the things above.

(End of this chapter)

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