Chapter 281
After Kanocchi left, Mesilo thought for a long time, and his final opinion was consistent with Feng Sumo's guess.

It seems that the child is accepted by him...

After discussing with each other, the two finally decided to bring Feng Miya and Feng Shuyu into the palace to stay.

Jill and Notch also entered the palace together, and even Brian followed.

Kanoqi originally looked at Mia and Shu Yu, and was still a little happy in his heart, but when his eyes touched Brian who swaggered into the palace, his face immediately turned dark.

Like what?

Raise a wolf in the palace!
However, whether he felt uncomfortable or not, Kanoch didn't say anything when he saw the intimacy of the two little guys hugging Brian.

That evening, all members of the royal family held a family dinner.

Mo Yunqi and Weilai also entered the palace.

Mesilo was still a little worried that Kanocci would be reluctant to accept the child's affairs, but seeing his eyes looking at Mia and Feng Shuyu, his hanging heart dropped.

However, when Kanoqi's gaze turned to Feng Sumo, his expression changed immediately.

Moxiluo is used to this, as long as he doesn't continue to separate Feng Sumo and him, it will only be a matter of time before he accepts it.

"Xiaoqi, are you having fun these few days?" Mo Yunqi sat next to Feng Shuyu, looking at her immature face, his cold eyes softened.

"Unhappy." Feng Shuyu shook her head honestly.

"Why?" Mo Yunqi was surprised by this answer.

"Because we met bad people outside, they wanted to harm Daddy and Mommy, and they didn't even let me and Mia go." Thinking about what happened on Bora Bora Island, Feng Shuyu's face was puffed up. Drumming, with angry eyes.

Berg's hand holding the cutlery froze slightly, and a coldness flashed away from the bottom of his eyes.

Kanocci punched the dining table with a "slap", stood up with a cold face, and anger rose in his eyes.

Qi Qi looked at him after the royal family members at the table.

"It's outrageous! Give me a thorough investigation of this matter!" Kanocchi turned his head and explained to his personal assistant.

Mecillo carefully read every expression on his face, and heaved a sigh of relief.

It seems that grandpa attaches great importance to the two children.

After the dinner, Mo Yunqi and Wei Lai accompanied the two children back to Moxiluo's small palace in the palace, holding a child in their arms, not wanting to leave so early.

Kanocci followed behind them and entered the palace together.

All the people in the room were stunned at the same time after his arrival, and their eyes fell on his face unanimously. Those eyes were as strange as seeing the sun rising from the west.

"It's so late, why don't you go back?" Kanoqi looked at Mo Yunqi, who had been holding Mia all along, and didn't give a chance to let others approach, with a slightly annoyed tone.

"Isn't it only nine o'clock?" Mo Yunqi disapproved, turned his gaze to Mia, and continued to win affection with him.

"It's time to go back at nine o'clock!" Kanoqi's eyes locked on Mia's face, and he had the urge to tear Mo Yunqi away.

Mo Yunqi was stunned for a moment, feeling very puzzled by his words.

Aren't you happy to see him enter the palace?Why did you drive him home today?
Mia raised her small face and looked at Kanocchi expressionlessly.

Mia still hated him because she saw him slap Feng Sumo that day.

"Mia, this is great-grandfather, daddy's grandfather." Weilai thoughtfully, pulled Mo Yunqi to his side, and let Kanoqi stand alone with Mia.

Kanoqi's heart warmed up after those words, and he looked at Mia with anticipation in his eyes, expecting to hear a kind call from him, but Mia turned her head and ignored him.

(End of this chapter)

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