Chapter 282 Xi Luo Despised by the Crowd
Seeing the cool look, Kanocchi frowned, and his face slowly sank.

The little guy has kind!
"Be virtuous like your daddy!" Kanoqi gasped, uttered a word sullenly, and turned his gaze to Feng Shuyu.

"What's none of my business?" Moxiluo yelled beside him.

Why does it always happen to him to be shot while lying down?

Feng Shuyu stared at Kanoqi in a daze, pursed his lips, turned his head, and walked towards Feng Sumo, but ignored him.

Although Feng Shuyu is young, but he remembers grudges very much, he knows who is good and who is not.

Not long after seeing Kanoqi, he saw him slap Feng Sumo, and Feng Shuyu gave him an evaluation—bad!

Feng Sumo watched the scene quietly without saying anything.

She didn't want to be seen as a fawning.

Mecillo didn't want to say anything, because Kanocchi still had a serious prejudice against Feng Sumo.

The two children treated him like this, Kanocchi was embarrassed for a moment, and his face became even uglier.

"Baby, you can't be so right..." Wei Lai couldn't bear it, and wanted to speak for Kanoqi, but before he finished speaking, Mo Yunqi pulled him back to his side.

Kanoqi is his father, and Mo Yunqi understands his character very well. It is more useful for him to reflect on himself than others can say thousands of words.

If his most ingrained thoughts don't change, Su Mo will suffer a lot like Wei Lai in the future.

"Go back to the room." Kanoch stood up abruptly, and left in a huff.

Come to think of it, his life is pathetic enough. When the family is together, no one speaks for him...

But, why did this situation happen today?
As soon as Kanoqi walked out of the room, Feng Shuyu immediately regained his joy, pulling Weilai, chirping like a little sparrow, talking about the experience of going to Bora Bora this time.

"We saw a lot of beautiful marine life there, there were beautiful lagoons, there were canoes, and Daddy and Mommy held their wedding ceremony on the boat. Mommy was wearing a white princess dress, so beautiful..."

"You held a wedding ceremony?" Weilai caught Feng Shuyu's words, and turned his eyes to Moxiluo.

"Yeah." Moxiluo nodded, a smile escaped from the corner of his lips.

"How can you be so hasty?" Wei Lai disapproved of his behavior.

After all, Su Mo is also the eldest lady of Shenyin Hall, and he is the crown prince of a country. How can the ceremony be held without a notification?

"It's good to be happy, isn't it?" Feng Sumo looked down on the external form, and she just laughed it off when Wei Lai said it.


Moxiluo turned his head to look at her, the two were shot again, fell into the sea again, the bridal chamber can only be spent on a deserted uninhabited island, and she was bitten by a snake, is she happy?

"Daddy is still sick, Mia and I are fine, Mommy is fine too, he is the only one who is sick..." Feng Shuyu continued to talk about his experience on Bora Bora Island like a propagandist , mentioned the matter of Mecillo's illness, with a strong tone of contempt.

"Girl, you don't need to say this." Mo Xiluo wanted to cover Feng Shuyu's mouth, but Feng Shuyu broke his hand away.

"Are you sick?" Weilai looked at him after saying that, his eyes were also full of contempt.

"Is your physique getting worse?" Mo Yunqi helped him analyze.

"Take some medicine." Wei Lai agreed.

"Chinese medicine is good." Mo Yunqi continued.

"I'll help you match tomorrow." Wei Lai took care of her very considerately.

The corners of Mexilo's lips twitched when he heard it.

But it's just a fever. Is it necessary to care so much?
(End of this chapter)

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