Chapter 295 Let's make a deal

Moxiluo glanced at him, hugged Feng Sumo, who was slightly drunk, and led her out of the shop first.

Ji Fengwu looked at the backs of the two, and let out a soft sigh from between his lips.

Although he doesn't like Moxiluo, it is undeniable that Moxiluo seems to be very kind to Su Mo...

As long as Su Mo is happy.

Moxiluo left the snack street, got into the car with Feng Sumo, and drove back to the palace.

"Xi Luo..." After getting out of the car, Feng Sumo suddenly called him.

Hearing the intimate call, Moxiluo's cold and handsome face gradually softened, the corners of his lips slightly raised, and he turned his head to look at her.

"My head hurts a bit." Feng Sumo rubbed his forehead, his tone was weak.

"I'll carry you." Moxiluo came to her side, put her arms on his shoulders, and walked towards their palace with her on his back.

Feng Sumo lay on his back, with his head resting on his shoulder, feeling his hot body temperature on his face, a warmth surged in his heart, and he couldn't help wrapping his arms around his neck.

"Tonight, are you angry?" Feng Sumo asked tentatively, turning his head to his side and looking at his impeccably handsome face.

Moxiluo smiled lightly, shook his head lightly, "No."

He was very upset that she could talk so happily with other men, but he could see that her feelings for Ji Fengwu were pure.

Moreover, Moxiluo believes in Feng Sumo's love for him.

"Fengwu and I have been crazy since we were young. We ate many places in T City." Thinking about the past, Feng Sumo murmured.

She didn't worry about anything else, only that Moxiluo would be jealous.

"Can you be more ambitious?" Moxiluo was very disdainful of the behavior of the two, snorted, and the corners of his lips raised a slight arc.

Feng Sumo looked into his eyes seriously, and after finding no trace of jealousy on his face, he smiled.

Ji Fengwu went out of the snack street and took a taxi back to the hotel where he was staying.

When he walked to the room he had booked, and was about to open the door, the hand holding on to the door suddenly froze.

The door is unlocked...

Is there someone inside?
His eyes darkened, Ji Fengwu slowly opened the door.

"Don't move!" Just as he walked in, a rough voice suddenly sounded, and two guns were aimed at him after that.

In the room, Yun Xingzhi was sitting on the head of the bed, with her slender legs lazily crossed, her long arms in a comfortable arc, her eyes lazily glanced at the bodyguard who was pointing a gun at Ji Fengwu, and then her eyes fell on him face.

"We meet again." Slowly retracting the crossed legs, Yun Xingzhi stood up and walked towards Ji Fengwu step by step.

Ji Fengwu looked sideways at the muzzles on both sides of his gun, and the corners of his lips curled evilly, joking casually, "I didn't expect someone to come to your door on their own initiative after everyone has gone abroad."

Yun Xingzhi's eyes dimmed and his eyes narrowed slightly as he spoke at an unhurried pace, with the domineering spirit that belonged to him naturally, without a trace of panic or fear.

He was teasing her?
Ji Fengwu continued to tease, "Beauty, if I come alone next time, I will be happier."

"Looking for death!" Yun Xingzhi snatched the gun from a bodyguard and put the muzzle on his forehead. Without talking nonsense, he directly stated the purpose of coming here, "Let's make a deal, I only want you tonight You can open the diamond you bid on whatever you want."

"What if I don't agree?" Ji Fengwu's eyes were lazy, and his tone was calm and unruffled.

"Then wait for the head to move." Yun Xingzhi threatened coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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