Chapter 296 Make a Deal (2)

"Oh?" Ji Fengwu's thin lips let out a single word, and he glanced sideways at her. Suddenly, he lifted his wrist, shot down the gun in her hand, and clasped her wrist nimbly with his backhand. He kicked the other person who was pointing a gun at himself, and kicked that person away.

"Let me go!" Yun Xingzhi's expression changed slightly, and he twisted in his arms.

"Let go of my lady!" Several bodyguards who were traveling with him also became nervous at the same time, looking at him and Yun Xingzhi all at once, holding the guns tightly in their hands.

Ji Fengwu casually fumbled for the gun he was carrying, and pressed it against her forehead as she threatened him just now, with a leisurely tone, "It's better for women to avoid such cold things."

After a pause, her eyes moved down her beautiful face to every part of her body at an extremely slow speed, and the smile on her lips was both evil and righteous, "It is more suitable to serve people with such a beautiful body."

"You fucking die!" Yun Xingzhi couldn't help but explode at his words, pointed his elbow at his abdomen and began to attack.

"Why are you so angry? I'm not interested in your fierce woman." Ji Fengwu squinted at her, stretched out his long arm, grabbed her by the shoulder, and threw her out of the room.

Yun Xingzhi fell to the ground in embarrassment.

An elegant and noble image was completely subverted by Ji Fengwu's action.

"Miss, are you okay?" Seeing this, several bodyguards gathered around.

Yun Xingzhi lowered his head, staring at the ground in a daze, and didn't react for a long time.

She was thrown out of the room...

Ji Fengwu stared coldly at the group of people outside the room, and slammed the door coolly, separating them from the door.

To deal with him, with just a few people, is it too small to look down on him?

Yun Xingzhi stood up slowly, after a brief moment of shock and anger, he looked sideways at Ji Fengwu's door, and coldly ordered a group of people, "Before this person leaves here, we must take the diamond from his hand." return."

"Yes." Several bodyguards responded respectfully.

Yun Xingzhi tidied up the wrinkled skirt and walked out of the hotel.

In the palace, Feng Sumo was sitting in front of the window of the master bedroom, with open palms, Qi Lier exuded a dazzling beauty.

Mesilo walked out of the bathroom, with only a bath towel wrapped around his body casually, his sexy, sensual, wheat-colored skin was exposed, and his legs walked towards her with a soothing frequency.

"Have you accepted his gift?" Moxiluo's tone was neither salty nor weak, making it impossible to hear his emotions.

"Yeah." Feng Su Mo Yang was a master, and delivered the diamond to his nose, "Isn't it beautiful?"

"If you like, I can give you something similar." Moxiluo was a little bit awkward about this.

The legendary meaning of this diamond is about love, and it was given to Feng Sumo by Ji Fengwu. He felt a little uncomfortable, although Su Mo had no feelings for Ji Fengwu.

As if guessing what he was thinking, Feng Sumo spread out his palm and put the diamond in his hand, "Isn't it for His Royal Highness? If you don't want to accept Feng Wu's gift like this, let's return the money to him, shall we?" "

"Let's put it here for now, Grandpa, I will think of other things for him." Moxiluo put the diamond back in her hand, wrapped her hand around her hand, and asked her to put it away.

He wants to give it to his grandfather, and he will not use what Ji Fengwu gave Su Mo to pass on.

Feng Sumo didn't say much, and carefully put the diamond back into the box.

This gift is very meaningful, since Feng Wu also appeared in the auction, it means that this thing must be meaningful to him.

It seems that it is more appropriate to find a chance to return Fengwu.

(End of this chapter)

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