The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 178 Public Execution!

Chapter 178 Public Execution!

Who is speaking?

The barrage is collectively confused.

"The voice outside the door is so loud?"

"A lawyer's letter... what is it?"

"Always support Little Angel Youli, we believe in the most authentic voice on the Internet!"

"Where's the little angel Yuri!"

"Killing Fish's network has been repaired!! Watch the live broadcast of Young Master!"

"Is the life of some anchors very unsatisfactory? There is a price to pay for spreading rumors!"

"Going to court? Make a big fuss!"

After a group of bullet screens, Youli's expression and voice are still invisible.

Youli's live broadcast room was pitch black, and she couldn't see anything.

Is there a knock at the door?
Has she gone out to get the lawyer's letter?
Why did the screen suddenly go black...

Just like a movie is about to start, everyone's hearts are full of doubts, and their spirits are tense——

A piece of paper suddenly appeared on the pitch-black screen.

A piece of paper full of words, with a red stamp in the lower right corner.

At the top of the paper, there are three clear characters——

Lawyer letter.

It's really coming!

Why is the lawyer's letter posted in Youli's live broadcast room!

This shows that Youli's computer has been hacked by hackers.

Without any extra words, this lawyer's letter was posted on the Internet, before everyone's eyes.

The content is clearly written in black and white, and everyone can see it clearly.

"Today, Xunbao live broadcast anchor Youli and Shayu live broadcast anchor Mi Xiu spread false information on not limited to Weibo, Xunbao, Shayu live broadcast platform and other public platforms, damaging the reputation and interests of GE Club and Mr. Yun. "

"Order the defendant involved in the defamation to stop the infringement immediately, make a public apology, eliminate the consequences of the damage, and assume full legal responsibility!"

The barrage went crazy, it really sued You Li, and, besides, Mi Xiu was not spared!

They were about to speak, but the information on the screen did not give them a chance to breathe.

Then came another lawyer's letter.

The defendant is called "Jiang Lili", suspected of tax evasion, drug use, and prostitution.

At the end of the lawyer's letter, under the red seal, there is a line of words in bold and black.

——"The law firm has accepted the entrustment and obtained complete evidence!"

The bullet screen was in an uproar——

This is serious!
It's all a big sin!

This is called a lawyer's letter, perhaps, it is not appropriate.

This may be called, public execution.

Public execution!

How were these news dug were they dug out!

Everyone suddenly felt scared, eating melons, they were all thrilled!

This is not over yet, another one.

The defendant, "Meng Dehao", is Mi Xiu's real name.

Suspected of tax evasion, defamation, and cheating on the college entrance examination.

Is cheating in the college entrance examination a crime?
Moreover, how long has this been, how secretive it is...

The execution continues.

One is over, another one.

The defendant this time is a naval public relations company called "Little Xiami".

Later, another letter, "Sunrise" PR company.

Next... it's a person.

The most vicious ID accounts also appeared in the lawyer's letter... At the same time, it was marked that their names had been verified and they would be held accountable to the end!
The bullet screen is instantly clean, clean!
Who dares to scold, who dares to scold!
It takes money to sue so many people at once, find out the real information of so many people in an instant, hack Youli's computer, and publicly execute!

Everyone watched in a daze as the notice letters were put to the end, and the picture returned to normal and saw the light.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but found that what they saw was not the familiar pink|tender|tender Youli live broadcast room, but a doorway.

Yuli's house.

Then what they saw was captured by the surveillance camera in the corridor...

Now, you can see a row of lawyers standing in front of Youli's house.

A row of lawyers...!
Who was the man who started talking, this is Mr. Yun's who!

very scary!
No one could tell who that person was.

Yunxi's live broadcast room was already full, and countless people were asking her this question.

Who did this!

who is it!

She nodded her lips, and the corners of her lips curled up in a perfect arc.

Cyber ​​violence befell her, but she was calm, elegant and calm.

She parted her lips lightly, her voice low and gorgeous.

"Do you want to know who is speaking?"

 Liu Ruchi: We Mr. Yun never cause trouble, but we are never afraid of trouble.

  Although there will still be people who provoke her in the future, they need to be weighed and weighed.

  At the same time, I would like to thank the babies who support Chichi.

  Yesterday's "Support Writers, Grab the Stage Event", Chichi made it to the top ten stage twice, once ninth, and once sixth!
  Compared with other great writers, Chi Chi had only 59 fans to support him at that time!
  Compared with the thousands of troops of great authors, we only have 59 fans.

  But it helped me get on stage!

  Thank you, you are my glory!

(End of this chapter)

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