The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 179 This Person Is My First Wife

Chapter 179 This Person Is My First Wife
Yunxi said.

"This person is my eldest wife."

Big wife.

Of course I would like to ink.

This veteran cadre knows hackers and has a team of lawyers?

What the hell is Jinmo doing?What is the background?
Yun Xi felt that she was low-key and mysterious enough, but this Jinmo was still a mysterious...veteran cadre.

She subconsciously glanced at another mobile phone that was out of view of the camera on the table.

The message on the phone is still beating——

"Brother Yun, I have already hacked their computer for you, and I have obtained all the evidence. That son of a university professor named Mi Xiu cheated on the college entrance examination!"

"Wow, that Youli is really promiscuous, and she even saved a hard drive of her action movies in the computer! It's super exciting! Of course I haven't watched many of them."

"Brother Yun, brother Yun, I also hacked the company of the navy, do you want to turn their screensaver into an action movie of Youli? It must be super exciting."

"...Brother Yun! Damn! Some people move faster than me, it's unscientific! Unscientific!!"

"Brother Yun, did you start the attack first! Or did your father find someone to do it! Please reply to my message! I think my dignity as a hacker has been challenged!"

Yun Xi thought, this time it's really not her, nor her father, but her wife.

After she finished speaking, the barrage presented a collective explosion.

Barrage:……? ! ! !

They seem to have heard something strange.

Big wife, that is to say, there is also a little wife?
Mr. Yun's eldest wife is a courier boy?
No, no, wife, why is he a man——

The people who eat melons and fans are even more violent!

The heart of a rotten girl!Girlish heart!
Yun Xi looked away from the phone, propped his chin on the back of his hand with interest, looked at the camera, curled the corners of his lips, and spoke with a smile.

"Someone bullied me, and the eldest wife got angry."

After finishing speaking, she said seriously.

"My wife, thank you."

The people in the live broadcast room exploded instantly!
"Young master can't just say thank you, you have to go back tonight to repay!"

"Wow, I recorded the male voice just now, the voice of the subwoofer, super Su!"

"Hey, I'm also the young master's little brain, please dote on me at night~"

"Exciting...exciting...Young master, you have joined GE, and e-sports really doesn't have a girlfriend..."

"E-sports doesn't have girlfriends, but you can have brains."

"I thought the young master was a shou, hey, the young master's big brain accompanied me with a shou's young master QAQ"

The eldest wife, Jinmo, was sitting in GE's meeting room with a blank expression on her face.

Pretend not to hear anything.

The four starters of GE were all sitting on chairs, and behind them stood a bunch of trembling sponsors who had just been "fired" by him.

They didn't dare to speak, and waited quietly for Captain Jin, who had finished dealing with the problem at hand, and then dared to carefully ask if they could go through the formalities, and then obediently leave.

A team captain fired the sponsor, and he was the first one.

No watched the live broadcast seriously, rubbed his nose with his hands, and tried hard not to laugh.

The captain is, Xiao Xi's... big wife...

big wife.

Puff ha ha ha ha.

The captain's famous name has been ruined by Xiao Xi!Ha ha ha ha!
Gong Yiheng turned his head and took a look at the sponsors who were standing in a row who were just trying to get rid of them, but they were reprimanded by the captain, and he didn't think they were pitiful.

Anyway, the captain is just venting his anger, this time they didn't let that rice bug in, so it wouldn't be so troublesome.

But out of conscience, Gong Yiheng still put his hands on the back of Jinmo's chair to comfort Yunxi's eldest wife, Captain Jin.

"Captain, don't worry, you only said one sentence, unless Xiao Xi and you are on the same stage in the future, no one will be able to recognize that it is your voice."

Jinmo's face turned even darker...

And MIKI blinked his eyes, very puzzled.

"Xiao Xi is the captain's girlfriend, and the captain is Xiao Xi's eldest wife?"

Attack unknown?

 Liu Ruchi: Sorry, I have something to do at home these few days, so the update will be a little later.

  Take Yunxi and Yunxi's eldest wife to ask for forgiveness

(End of this chapter)

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