The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 271 I just want to win, win with GE1

Chapter 271 I just want to win, win with GE
Suigege wanted to educate Pipixi, but Pipixi felt sorry for him in turn.

No let go of the hand that was pinching Ruan Meng's nose, looking a little helpless and loving like a brother.

"You, Xiao Xi, I'm talking about you."

"I'm always worried that something will happen to you."

"It turns out that when you said you wouldn't join GE, I really wanted you to join GE to play the mid laner for me."

"Now that you have joined GE, you have more fans and more dazzling people, but I regret that I invited you back then."

Yun Xi raised an eyebrow.


No looked at her seriously.

"Xiao Xi, you like a low-key life, don't you? If it wasn't for GE, you wouldn't go into a rage and turn on a live camera and then join GE in a high-profile way to support GE and completely change your previous life."

No remembers what Yunxi did for GE.

He also knew that Yunxi had lived so peacefully for so many years, but because of GE, the world was turned upside down overnight.

Maybe she is born to belong to the spotlight, belongs to the crowd and should be the focus of attention, but what others see is her brilliance, and what they GE see is how much slander she will receive and worry about her getting hurt.

No sighed softly.

"It used to be so relaxed and casual, unlike what you do now, which attracts a lot of attention and is not so free. Besides, you are a girl after all, when the time comes when your identity is exposed... something will definitely happen."

This is an act of cheating fans.

Some people can accept it, and some people won't.

There will be more gossip.

There is Youli and Mixiu in front of the live broadcast platform, who knows who will come out to slander Xiao Xi openly and secretly.

Follow my brother to have a heart that can't be finished.

I don't want Yunxi to be hurt, I don't want her to be hurt.

I hope that she will live a proud and domineering life, and I hope that she will live as she pleases.

In fact, what No feels most sorry for is——

"Xiao Xi, the fat man also said that having a dream is not the same as taking a dream as a career. After you become a career, you will change your outlook on winning or losing. It is because of this that Kra and Cub gave up their original aspirations."

"I hope you will be your happy and willful self, and always keep your original intention for games, competitions and life."

"And you're a girl, and there's a lot of pressure whether you're going to hide your identity all the time or recover it eventually."

No looked at Yunxi with gentle and firm eyes behind the lens.

"So, do you really want to join GE and enter the e-sports circle?"

Yunxi put her hands in her pockets, stood beside No, turned her head to look at the river beside her.

The wind blew her white shirt, and her chestnut hair swayed slightly in the wind.

It was fifteen past seven in the evening.

The summer sky is still bright, and the water in the river is blown by the wind and sparkles.

The light fell into Yun Xi's eyes, and it was soft.

Her voice is also soft.

"Brother Sui, what you said may be a problem, but for me, there is nothing to be afraid of. With you, isn't it?"

She turned her head, looked at No, and smiled.

"The current life is what I want most, without the slightest reluctance. Moreover, I don't think so much now, I just want to win, and win with GE."

Yunxi strode to No's side, and No was about to speak.

Suddenly, Yun Xi grabbed his hand and ran away.

No was taken aback by Yun Xi's movements, but still ran after Yun Xi.

"Xiao Xi, what's wrong?"

Yun Xi turned her head with a smile, her eyes sparkling with gold.

"Follow brother, let's chat in another place."

No opened his mouth slightly.


(End of this chapter)

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