The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 272 Candy for you

Chapter 272 Candy for you

Yunxi stopped a car on the side of the road, and after stuffing No into it, she walked in and sat beside No.

No pushed his glasses, unable to hide his curiosity.

"where are we going?"

Will Team Jin come to hunt him down?

It's exciting to think about.

No has a troublesome smile on his face.

Yunxi imitated No's original appearance, winked at him, and said to the driver.

"Go to the video game city, drive slowly and steadily."

The driver glanced at them and started the car without saying a word.

Those who drive taxis like them are most afraid of wasting time. Seeing that they don't look like outsiders, it's not bad if they don't make a detour. Who will drive them slower and go for a ride?

Yunxi took out a pink RMB from his pocket and waved it.

"Take it easy, I'll give it all to you."

The taxi that was about to "fly" out slowly slowed down and drove smoothly and steadily.

The taxi driver was smiling.

No held his forehead and smiled softly.

"Xiao Xi."

waste money.

Moreover, why go to the video game city?
The kind of place to catch dolls? ?
Although No, who has always been a good student, has become a professional e-sports player, he has never been to a video game city and has no idea about it.

Yun Xi rummaged through her pockets and said to No.

"Brother, the game hall is quite far from here. It's a waste of time to walk there. The bus is too crowded, and my car is still thrown in the garage. I'm afraid you will feel weird if I take you by bicycle."

"Brother Sui, do you have motion sickness medicine? I remember I brought it with me. I don't know where Aunt Gu threw it away when she was doing laundry."

"Why don't we go down and buy some before going over?"

As Yunxi said, No sighed softly, moved and helpless.

"I don't need anyone to take care of me. Besides, I'm just a little motion sickness, not that serious. If it's serious, I'll take motion sickness medicine with me."

But Xiao Xi really remembered that he was motion sick, and she put the motion sickness medicine on her clothes and left?
Yunxi raised her head and said seriously.

"Isn't it too late if it's serious? It's okay if you're uncomfortable."

But when she drives a Ferrari, she is really afraid that Suigege will feel sick, after all, she drives more ferociously than Jinmo.

no, plane?
But the plane can't stop in the city at all.

Yunxi dragged her chin in thought.

The taxi driver looked at the two people sitting in the back row from the rearview mirror, trying to adjust the atmosphere.

"Carsick, young man? Just chew some gum ( ̄~ ̄). I have a green arrow for you."

No shook his head.

"Thank you, I'm Yida."

"Xiao Xi will be here soon, don't worry, I'm really not dizzy, look, I'm fine."

The taxi driver continued to show his presence.

"Yeah, young man, don't worry, your brother is definitely fine, I'm a 20-year old driver! A stable group!"

"By the way, young man, you are not bad. You haven't gone to college yet, you already have your own car."

Yun Xi nodded.

"Well, I bought a Ferrari supercar. It's not easy to drive a supercar in the city, it's not as free as a taxi."

taxi driver:……?
He's hallucinating? ?
Supercar? ?
The taxi driver looked at Yun Xi strangely.

This kid's family... is rich...! ! !
No wonder he was generous, no wonder he had such a handsome brother!

At first glance, he is no ordinary person!

Yunxi didn't care what the taxi driver was thinking, she took the Yida handed over by her brother, and after biting, she found that Yida was a little strange, sweet...


No finds a piece of chewing gum from the candy and holds it in it, squinting at Yun Xi and smiling.

"That's right, the candy I prepared for you, do you like it? It's melon-flavored."

(End of this chapter)

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