The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 573 No Girlfriend, No Boyfriend

Chapter 573 No Girlfriend, No Boyfriend

200 million ah.

Hearing this number, Yunxi's first reaction was.

"Is 200 million enough to spend? If not, get some more."

Cloud reports the president. Xi.

Yu Fan's pupils shrank slightly, and then he smiled subconsciously. He raised his hand to stroke the cinnabar tears in his eyes, and watched Yunxi raise the corners of his eyes, smiling gently and charmingly.

"How about enough flowers? What if not enough? Mr. Yun, do you want to buy me?"

Yunxi choked.

She never thought about buying Yu Fan or something. She doesn't buy or sell people, nor does she do any indescribable business.

Yu Fan found it interesting to see Yun Xi choking. This Mr. Yun is rich, but he is completely different from other rich people, and he is also different from those he has seen.

Since he went to work in the nightclub, he has met many rich people, but he can't count them with two hands, but the most interesting ones are Team Jin and Mr. Yun. Of course, the most interesting one is Mr. Yun.

He supported the tabletop with one hand, leaned his upper body forward, leaned crookedly towards Yun Xi's side.

The smile on his lips deepened, and his eyes were full of playfulness.

"That's the money I sold myself. You gave it to me, isn't it just buying..."

Yun Xi was really taken aback!
Being teased by Yu Fan, Yun Xi, who is good at teasing people, stiffened herself.

It's not hard, it's stiff.

Seeing Yun Xi like this, Yu Fan couldn't hold back, tilted his body back, bent down, and laughed, first he laughed suppressedly until his whole body trembled, then he couldn't restrain himself anymore under Yun Xi's gaze, and laughed loudly stand up.

Yun Xi scratched her hair, wondering if she looked too stupid just now?

It's just that a poisonous beauty like Poppy suddenly approached her and said something like "you bought me", and then it wouldn't be something like "I'm yours".

She looked at Yu Fan who was smiling so much that her eyes were about to burst into tears, she shrugged, scratched Marshmallow's chin, and said with a smile.

"Smile, smile ten years ago. You look much better when you smile now than usual."

When Yu Fan heard Yun Xi's words, he raised his head, his smoky eyes were clouded with mist from laughter, and the eyes were shimmering with mist, looking more beautiful and delicious than usual.

He looked at Yunxi and said with a smile.

"Is Mr. Yun always boasting like this? No wonder you have so many girlfriends."

Yunxi coughed lightly.

There is no girlfriend, and there is no boyfriend.

Seeing Yunxi's expression at this time, Yu Fan suddenly wanted to tease Yunxi again. He found that although Mr. Yun looked very romantic, he was unexpectedly innocent and cute.

Yunxi: I...?Innocence! !The eldest wife is not innocent when she comes here!
How did Yunxi know that in Yu Fan's eyes, she suddenly became a pure and cute girl who had never had a boyfriend or girlfriend before, but she also saw the interest in Yu Fan's eyes.

What is this sickly beauty interested in?

Yu Fan straightened up, trying to tease Yunxi a little more, anyway, he was indeed Mr. Yun's man.

If Yun Xi knew what Yu Fan was thinking, he would be extremely anxious!

This development is not right, Yu Fan, who is so self-respecting, suddenly... Interested in her?
She's still flat chested.

Yun Xi, who didn't know the truth, shrugged his shoulders, relaxed a little, stared into Yu Fan's eyes, and said with a smile.

"Don't feel burdened. I borrowed you this money because you are worth the price."

Yu Fan also smiled, but the smile was a little faint.

After all, is it the goods?

Feeling inexplicably upset, I heard Yun Xi continue.

(End of this chapter)

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