Chapter 574

"You are a very good player. Your future achievements will not be worth more than the 200 million. Don't give up on yourself because of those losses from the outside world. You will be very successful and rich."

"When you grow into a big man worth over ten million, then return the money to me. Now, my money is just a long-term investment, invested in you."

"Of course, I want to collect benefits, so do your best, Captain Kra."

After Yun Xi finished speaking, Yu Fan's pupils shrank again.

Yun Xi stared at his eyes, and he stared at Yun Xi's eyes, then looked at Yun Xi's lips, the color of his eyes suddenly deepened, and a brighter smile appeared at the corner of his lips, and suddenly, he murmured two words in a low voice.

His voice was so low that Yunxi couldn't hear him clearly.

Yu Fan laughed while talking.

He was whispering this - I want to kiss you so much!

He raised his head to look at Yun Xi, the hand that was on his knee was on Yun Xi's leg, and he could feel his blood boiling.

A big man worth over ten million?


Is that what he said?
Can he continue to live without debt and live out his own life?
Mr. Yun's "investment" brought him back to life...

His heart was beating non-stop, watching Yun Xi's eyes getting deeper and deeper, he found that his impression of Young Master Yun was changing from "savior" to "creditor", and now...

just now……

Now Marshmallow poked and stretched out her claws secretly, wanting to scratch Yu Fan's hand!

Meow! !
Yu Fan withdrew his hand first, and said with a smile.

"Don't worry, I will definitely work hard to make your investment have a high return."

How about the gift of investing, becoming himself?
As Yu Fan thought about it, he could imagine Mr. Yun's surprise.

Seeing Yu Fan who had regained her spirits, Yunxi also breathed a sigh of relief. Yu Fan's strange look made the back of her neck inexplicably cold, as if something was thinking about her.

There were many people thinking about her, but she really didn't think of Yu Fan and her in an ambiguous place.

Who can imagine what it's like for Poppy to have a crush on someone?
Yunxi thought that Yu Meiren's future girlfriend would want to burn incense for that poor girl. After all, the love of a sick girl is not something ordinary people can afford, especially this sick girl who occasionally has a bad temper and hides a bad taste.

In any case, the knot in Poppy's heart has been untied a little.

Yun Xi teased the marshmallow, and the marshmallow rolled around on Yun Xi's lap crisply, meowing and coquettish to win Yun Xi's attention.

Look at me, look at me, don't look at that smelly man~
Yun Xi touched its soft body with a smile, and chatted with Yu Fan without saying a word.

She has been a genius since she was a child, she can basically know interesting things, and can talk about any topic.

Although Yu Fan was in financial difficulties when he was a child, besides playing the piano and playing games, he knew more people than Yun Xi, and most of them were low-level people. Yun Xi also listened with great interest when talking about these people.

The two evildoers just sat on Jinmo's table and chatted.

Some people may just be a natural fit.

Their topics are naturally complementary, what Yun Xi knows, Yu Fan may not know, and what Yu Fan knows, Yun Xi may not know.

They live in completely different environments and classes, but they all look like monsters.

When Gong Yiheng received the captain's instruction to come and see Yun Xi, he opened the door and was stunned.

The sunlight outside fell on the faces of Yun Xi and Yu Fan, and the two equally monstrous faces were smiling as well as warm sunshine.

Double monsters.

It's really eye-catching.

(End of this chapter)

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