The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 575 The Mirror Image Under the Sea

Chapter 575 The Mirror Image Under the Sea
Gong Yiheng, a man with straight male aesthetics, thinks he is good-looking, that is, he is really very, very good-looking.

He looked at Yun Xi, then at Yu Fan, took a step back quietly, and closed the door, thinking in his heart——

Are these two long-lost brothers?

No matter how you look at it, it looks a bit like it.

Gong Yiheng thought about it, walked without looking at the road, and within a few steps, bumped into a man who also lowered his head and didn't know what he was thinking.

The two were equally tall, and Gong Yiheng was barely a finger higher than the other, and their chests collided, causing Gong Yiheng a bit of chest pain.

He rubbed his chest, looked forward, and saw a golden head.

The blond head, to be exact.


Gong Yiheng was a little surprised, Edward blushed, and apologized to Gong Yiheng in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry!"

Gong Yiheng felt nothing, but his An Lushan hand touched Edward's chest completely subconsciously.

"It's okay, it's all a small accident, hey, your chest muscles are well trained, they are very hard."

Edward was stunned, his chest was vividly hit by Gong Yiheng, he lowered his head stiffly, watched Gong Yiheng's hand rubbing his chest muscles through the thin shirt, and said seriously.

"You also have the habit of exercising? It just so happens that I've been bored lifting weights these two days. Let's go together..."

Before Gong Yiheng finished speaking, Edward suddenly shook off his hand, and left with a flushed face!
Looks angry!

Gong Yiheng didn't understand what was going on, didn't he just touch it?
He hurried over and began to apologize around Edward. Edward wanted to cover his chest, but felt his chest hurt from anger.

How can this person... how can he! !
How can you do this!

Yun Xi has never touched it!He just...!
The savage! !

The barbarian Gong Yiheng reflected seriously and tried his best to please him, but Edward didn't want to talk to him, and fell into deep sadness.

Yunxi fans: Xiaozuiyingying organization welcomes international friends to join!
Let's learn from Mr. Yun's fans called——

Let's beep together!

Chick Chick Chick Chick! !
! (╥╯^╰╥)!

In Jinmo's office, Yu Fan tapped Jinmo's desktop with his slender fingers.

Desktop: Jinmo, are you still here?Do you see my color?I am green!green!

Yu Fan said softly.

"Is there a chance to come to our team to see my piano room? My piano is called Alice, and I think it must like you very much."

When it comes to people, Yu Fan has no emotion in his eyes, but when it comes to Qin, there is light in his eyes.

Yu Fan's red lips were pursed all the time, as if he was in a happy mood, but his smoky eyes seemed to be foggy, and even if there was light, it was impossible to distinguish his true emotions.

His long legs were propped on the ground, his upper body leaned back slightly, and his figure became more and more slender, leaving Yunxi with a perfect profile, but it was obviously supposed to be a lazy posture, but he was still dangerous for no reason.

When Yunxi looks at his face, she sometimes feels in a daze——

Cen Ziyan always said that she was very similar to Yu Fan.

In fact, she and Yu Fan are not alike, but like two sides in a mirror, seemingly similar, but actually completely opposite.

What she has, Yu Fan doesn't have.

But she might not have the ghostly aura about Yu Fan.

It's like twins, and it's like another self who lives in the world and can only be touched by stretching out fingers across the sea.

This feeling is subtle.

very subtle.

Yunxi slightly hooked her lips and smiled.

"Okay, I'll visit your Alice when I'm free."

The smile on Yu Fan's lips widened. He was about to speak, but the door was pushed open with a creak, and Yun Xi and Yu Fan looked out——

Yunxi burst out laughing.

(End of this chapter)

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