The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 585 This world is dangerous

Chapter 585 This world is dangerous

Gong Yusi said.

"Yunxi, Hanhan hasn't come to school for several days, and she hasn't come to the exam. At the beginning, I could still contact her. She said that her boyfriend came to visit her, so don't worry. But recently, I called I can't reach her on the phone..."

"She called me tonight and asked me to take the money to 'Never Night City' and give it to her. She seemed to be short of funds, so she asked me to send the money to her... She and I have always been good friends, So I want to give her the money."

Yun Xi listened quietly, leaning against the wall of the dining room, with one hand in his pocket, the corners of his lips slightly raised, and only spoke softly when Gong Yusi finished speaking.

"you want to go?"

Gong Yusi paused before whispering.

"You sent me a text message saying that Hanhan has changed and told me to stay away from her. That's why I called you when something like this happened... I want to tell you."

Yunxi's lips curled up again, in Jinmo's view, it seemed to be the concern of the boyfriend in the relationship, and the doting on the obedient girlfriend.

His frown became deeper and deeper, his hands were clasped in front of his chest, and all the muscles in his body were tense.

The more I listen, the more irritable I become.

But Yunxi is not what he thinks.

With a gentle voice, Yunxi continued.

"Qu Yuhan didn't know who he was hanging out with, and he asked you to send money? You know what 'Never Night City' is, right? It's the biggest hidden nightclub here. Do you think you can get out of it unscathed if you go alone?"

Gong Yusi bit her lip and clutched her clothes tightly, her voice became more anxious and lower.

"I know... But, Hanhan seems to be in a hurry, and she doesn't have any other friends, so I'm the only one who can ask her."

Gong Yusi said, hiding her little thoughts.

She didn't expect that the always gentle Yun Xi said to her after a chuckle.

"You seem to think too much about yourself. Qu Yuhan has a lot of friends, why did she find you? That's because you are stupid and easy to deceive."

"Qu Yuhan's boyfriend is a big bastard in the society, with tattoos all over his body, he is not a good person, and Qu Yuhan is no longer the person you used to know, she has turned bad a long time ago."

Yunxi doesn't like to speak ill of people, and Gong Yusi thinks that Qu Yuhan is her only friend, she said Gong Yusi may not be able to listen to it, she can only talk.

"Be smart, don't worry about this matter. Nightless City is not a place you can go to. Why doesn't she let you transfer money if she needs money, why does she insist on cash? You think about it carefully, and then go to review, and you have to take the exam tomorrow."

Gong Yusi's lips moved. She wanted to say something else, but finally she nodded and said to Yun Xi.

"Okay, I see, I don't care about this matter, don't be angry."

Yun Xi rubbed her short hair.

"There's nothing to be angry about. The world is dangerous. You have to protect yourself."

She was about to drop out of school, and she couldn't protect these classmates for long, and she walked her own way in life. Gong Yusi was cute and silly, but she was easily taken advantage of.

Thinking of this, Yunxi said something to her out of friendship with her classmates.

"Gong Yusi, you have to know that many things in this world are subject to change. A girl, no matter who she is facing, don't put yourself in a dangerous place."

Gong Yusi was silent for a while, then nodded with a firmer voice, and Yun Xi chatted with her a few more words before hanging up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Yunxi pinched the phone in his hand and twirled it, then raised his head to look at the ceiling.

Short chestnut hair fell down to cover her cheeks, and she suddenly felt...

Why is it so cold here?
(End of this chapter)

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