The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 586 Her actions, this big pig's trotters can't control

Chapter 586 Her actions, this big pig's trotters can't control
Jinmo refrigerators cool the restaurant.

Hearing that Yunxi finished speaking on the phone, he stood up and looked at Yunxi with an unclear expression on his face.

"You care about your classmates so much?"

Yun Xi also went to look at Jin Mo, and shrugged helplessly.

"There are only two female students in our class, one is stupid and the other is bad. I can't find a way to care about them now."

Jin Mo looked at Yun Xi, walked over and rubbed Yun Xi's hair, pressed his hot hand on Yun Xi's head, and leaned over to look at Yun Xi.

The distance between the two of them was too close, Yunxi was leaning against the wall, Jinmo's action was deceiving, as if he was pressing Yunxi against the wall, trapped in his arms.

Yun Xi raised an eyebrow.

"Captain, you seem to like talking in this posture?"

Jin Mo said in a low voice.

"I know why there are no shortage of girls around you since you were a child. Little monster, it's not good for them if you care about them like this. They are also independent people, and they need to experience setbacks to grow up. You don't need to worry too much about them. Caring for them too much."

Yunxi felt that she didn't do anything, and she really didn't do anything.

Jin Mo continued to speak.

"You are used to letting them rely on you, but you are actually hurting them. No matter what your original intention is, the final result will not be as simple as you think."

Jinmo thought of the first time they met, the group of girls who surrounded Yunxi to kiss.

She also thought of Gong Yusi who was almost raped, but was saved by Yun Xi.

He said.

"Yun Xi, you have to understand that you are not their boyfriend. You didn't understand what the girl said just now. She didn't just come to you for an explanation..."

Yunxi curled her lips into a chuckle, raised her hand and grabbed Jinmo's wrist.

Her hands were slender and slightly cold, but in the next second she turned Jinmo over and pressed her against the wall.

She doesn't like being pushed to talk, and if she wants to be wall-to-wall, it's her wall-to-wall others who are the ones.

Yunxi grabbed Jinmo's hand and pressed it next to his face, squinting her eyes close to his face, her breath had a sweet smell of cantaloupe, Jinmo was very familiar with it, it was the smell of his candy.

Looking at Jin Mo's eyes, Yun Xi slowly narrowed his eyes, the starlight in his eyes was dimmed.

"Captain, I know what she means by coming to me. Gong Yusi wants me to go with her, and all the words are just excuses."

Jin Mo's brows furrowed deeper.

"You know, you still care about her?"

Yun Xi chuckled, feeling a little tired looking up at him, so she pinched Jinmo's chin and broke his face off, the smile on her lips widened.

"People have to warm each other, don't they? I can't give what she wants, but I can't bear to let them be in danger, so what do you think I should do?"

"What do you think I should do, huh?"

As Yun Xi spoke, the corners of her lips curled up, and Jin Mo's eyebrows furrowed deeper and deeper, but Yun Xi let go of her hand and took a step back.

"I only do what I want to do. As for the result, I don't want to think about it. I don't want to think about it. I don't want what I want most. I just want to do what I want to do now."

Speaking of this, Yunxi chuckled and hugged the cotton candy on the ground, looked up at her cutely, and gently scratched the cotton candy's chin, she said.

"Captain, I know that dependence is a disease, but there is no way, I will not depend on others, let others depend on me. Depend until you can't rely on it."

A girl's dependence...

In fact, Yunxi was very distressed.

Yunxi has already discovered that Gong Yusi is too dependent on her, and has begun to stay away from her, but for some reason, she doesn't want to say these words to Jinmo.

What if she just likes girls?

This big pig's hoof has nothing to do with what she does.

 Liu Ruchi: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival~
  A little cutie asked where the main plot is. 233 This article is supplemented by e-sports, and it’s mainly based on cough cough

(End of this chapter)

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