The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 587 Wait Until You Are Together

Chapter 587 Wait until you are together

Yunxi thinks that the distance between her and the girls should be kept between the anchor and the fans.




Don't rely too much on her, she can love all her fans, but there is no way to love only one of them.

For those kind and lovely girls, if they want to find a boyfriend or even a girlfriend who treats them well, loves them and dotes on them, this will not affect their love for her.

So much the better.

This distance is just right.

Such feelings will last a long time.

She wants to see those lovely girls have their own love and their own lives, and then, no matter when, she will treat them as eternal "girls" and pamper them.

Yun Xi stroked the soft fur of the marshmallow, and the marshmallow nestled in her arms and meowed, squinting her eyes tenderly.

Yun Xi also narrowed his eyes.

Unfortunately, fans are fans.

Classmates, classmates again.


Fans, she will not give up, she will only wait for them to give up on her.

As for the classmates...

Sorry, don't step on her bottom line.

Jinmo held his wrist held by Yunxi, and for some reason, he slightly raised the corners of his lips.

Why did he feel that what the little evildoer said just now was a bit of anger?

Is he angry with himself?

Jinmo's mood suddenly subtly improved, but thinking of Yunxi's attitude towards girls, Jinmo sighed inwardly.

The position of his eldest wife is inherently unstable.

After that, there are still many people waiting to be promoted.

After being silent for a while, she returned to normal. The reason for breaking the deadlock was that Yun Xi was hungry.

She took a bite of Jinmo's love dinner, and while eating Jinmo's meal, she thought about her brother Sui who was far away in the United States.

No, who was far away from the door, suddenly sneezed, and the doctor asked concerned.

"Where are you uncomfortable?"

No pushed his glasses and showed a gentle smile.

"No, someone missed me."

The smile of the beautiful American female doctor next to her became ambiguous in an instant, she raised her hand and patted No's back lightly with her hand, and said with a smile.

"She must be beautiful!"

No's face flushed instantly, and even the corners of his eyes were slightly crimson.

"No... no, not my girlfriend..."

The doctor's smile was more ambiguous, and he changed the term.

"Then he must be very kind to you."

No's face turned redder, pretty good.

She was beautiful and nice, but not a girlfriend.

It's afternoon in China right now, did Xiao Xi have a good meal?

When No thought about it, he fell into deep worry again, and couldn't help asking his unscrupulous attending doctor.

"When will my hand recover?"

The attending doctor blinked mischievously.

"Wait until you are together."

No: ...

The attending doctor smiled and said, "I know, you are sending emails to a person every day, and you are still buying him snacks. Actually, I am quite curious. You are good-looking and good-looking, but why do you have no sex life? So much Is it conservative?"

No's face flushed red, and he couldn't help shouting.

"Doctor Bacon, please be serious!"

The female doctor's full name is Alicia.Bacon (Bacon), of course, the translation is slightly ghost.

She winked her big charming eyes at No and said with a smile.

"You're blushing, what a cute oriental boy."

No: ...

In the GE club, Yun Xi, who was eating the ink and thinking about following his brother, was still thinking, the taste of the captain is the taste of the captain, and the food cooked by the brother is the taste of the brother.

When it comes to cooking, it’s still delicious to cook with my brother, and the peppers I put in with my brother are just right...

Team Jin's meal is no good, alas, it's not as good as Suigege, she can't eat much.

Yun Xi sighed, raised her head to look at Jin Mo, wiped her mouth, and passed the bowl over.

"Help me another bowl of rice, thank you."

(End of this chapter)

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