The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 590 The More I Like You, The More I Like You

Chapter 590 The More I Like You, The More I Like You
Hearing what Qu Yuhan said, Gong Yusi became anxious for a moment, and blurted out a word.

"No, I didn't mean that..."

Qu Yuhan said immediately.

"I'm on the ground floor of Heaven and Earth, come and find me, you're not human if you don't come."

After speaking, Qu Yuhan hung up the phone.

Gong Yusi stood there, staring blankly at the phone, biting her lip, feeling very scared. She felt something was wrong, but she didn't want to break up with Qu Yuhan.

Maybe Yun Xi made a mistake, Qu Yuhan was her only friend since she went to college, when others looked down on her, only Qu Yuhan helped her, when no one was playing with her, only Qu Yuhan was with her.

Such a friend... How could she not help because of these things.

The city at night is like a ghost. While Yun Xi's words echoed in Gong Yusi's mind, she also thought about her sisterhood with Qu Yuhan.

After all, she thinks Qu Yuhan is more important.

What's more, she has come here, and nothing has happened yet, so it should be fine.

Gong Yu thought, and continued to walk towards the tallest restaurant there.

Heaven and Earth is indeed a restaurant, with beautiful waiters in black silk standing at the door, luxury cars parked outside the door, and security guards in black clothes in the parking lot.

Seeing this, Gong Yusi quietly relaxed a little.

Yun Xi tried to persuade her, but if she was safe and nothing happened, it wouldn't be considered a violation of Yun Xi's entrustment.

Thinking this way, Gong Yusi tried her best to get rid of the guilt in her heart, and at the same time, she was nervously grabbing the hem of her clothes with the hand on her side. She just wandered around the entrance of the Heaven and Earth Hotel, looking around.

She still dared not go in.

If Yunxi is here...

Gong Yusi was tangled in her heart, and subconsciously looked behind her again.

There are not too many people who can come here to spend, all of them are men in suits and leather shoes who look like successful people, and some of them look like social people, wearing black suits or bare shoulders with tattoos...

Seeing the tattooed man, she thought of Yun Xi and Qu Yuhan's boyfriend she had mentioned, and hurriedly lowered her head and took a step back, avoiding carefully.

Her sudden retreat was too hasty, and she stepped on the instep of the person behind her coldly. Before she could react, she was pushed away again, staggering and almost fell to the ground.

If this is a novel about the domineering president, Gong Yusi is the innocent little heroine who was born low, and now she mistakenly provokes the domineering president who came to the nightclub to find sex, and then maybe an ambiguous story can develop.

Unfortunately, the person she stepped on was Yu Fan.

Gong Yusi almost fell to the ground. She stabilized her body in embarrassment. When she turned her head and saw Yu Fan, she was stunned for a moment, and then lowered her head lower as if fleeing, wishing to hide herself.

White shirt...ripped jeans...

A whole body of evil spirit...

When Gong Yusi saw Yu Fan's outfit, he immediately thought of Yunxi, and immediately lowered his head to the dust.

Subconsciously imitating Yun Xi's movements, Yu Fan put his hands into his pockets, his smoky eyes narrowed lazily, his lips were as red as blood, and the moles under his eyes were like drops of blood.

When you like someone, you subconsciously want to be like that person?
Yu Fan didn't know, but after he realized it, he had already started to imitate Yun Xi's movements unconsciously.

It's a pity that Yunxi is gentle and flamboyant, while Yu Fanshi is indifferent and delicate.

He himself was very disgusted with the woman who bumped into him, but seeing Gong Yusi's appearance as if he knew him, he couldn't help but narrowed his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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