The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 591 You Come With Me, I'll Take You Away

Chapter 591 You Come With Me, I'll Take You Away

At the entrance of the Heaven and Earth Hotel, the waitress in a black silk professional short skirt looked out curiously, and when she saw Yu Fan, she took a breath and looked at each other.

"he came!"

"He actually came back?"

This message is conveyed in their eyes, adoration, fear, and inexplicable obsession.

And Gong Yusi, whom Yu Fan looked at, became something they were jealous of and hated.

Yu Fan narrowed his smoky eyes, bent down, took out a knife from his pocket, and pointed the tip at Gong Yusi.

Gong Yusi was so frightened that she trembled all over.

This person... what is this person going to do?
She timidly raised her head, Yu Fan squinted her eyes and turned her head slightly, and raised her chin with the blade. Gong Yusi still wanted to speak, but Yu Fan said in a low voice.

"Don't move around, be careful that I cut your throat."

Gong Yusi's body froze for an instant, not daring to move, her eyes looked at Yu Fan with fear.

Yu Fan didn't have time to appreciate her despair, he couldn't see this woman's face at all, not at all.

He was not interested either, just holding the knife, as if he could turn the blade over and point the blade at her neck at any time, and at the same time he said in a light voice.

"you know me?"

Gong Yu shook her head in thought, but the knife against her throat and jaw made her dare not make a single movement. Yu Fan became impatient, and pushed the knife forward a little. Gong Yusi felt that the sharp point of the knife was about to pierce her neck His skin was so frightened that he almost cried.

Yu Fan didn't have the slightest feeling of pity and sympathy, he asked.

"You ever met me?"

Did you see him coming to heaven and earth...?
Facing the man with his red lips pursed but his eyes full of danger, Gong Yusi tried hard to speak.

"No... I don't know you..."

Yu Fan curled his lips slightly when he heard this answer, and said nothing. The knife in his hand was about to continue to move forward. Gong Yusi was really about to cry... His eyes were instantly moist.

Isn't there security here?

Why don't you take care of him...

But no one heard her cry for help, and there was only her and a beautiful lunatic at the door.

Gong Yusi tried hard to keep her lips from trembling, and said.

"You look like"

She closed her eyes after she finished speaking. He thought that this lunatic would kill her, but he didn't expect that the dangerous man withdrew his knife. She opened her eyes and found that there was a smile in the man's eyes instead.

Yu Fan looked at her with ethereal eyes, as if he was looking at her or not at all.

"Who is your friend?"

Yu Fan asked, and Gong Yusi answered right away.

"Yun Xi."

The smile on the corners of Yu Fan's lips widened, and the smile outlined by the bright red lips was as attractive as poppies. Gong Yusi should be afraid, but looking at Yu Fan's smile, he was stunned.

Yu Fan asked again.

"Are you a fan?"

Gong Yusi said.

"'s a classmate."

Yu Fan looked at her again and said.

"Are you here to look for him?"

Gong Yusi pursed her lips tightly when she heard these words.

Yu Fan took out a tissue and carefully wiped off the knife that touched Gong Yusi, but turned around and walked into the hotel without looking at her.

He took two steps, turned his head, and found that Gong Yusi was still standing there, so he couldn't help saying.

"Aren't you coming in?"

Gong Yusi was taken aback. She didn't dare to stay with Yu Fan, so she shook her head quickly.

"No... no... um... thank you..."

Yu Fan smiled with the corners of his lips curled up, looked at the hotel door and then at her, his voice was lowered, with a kind of seductive charm.

"You can't enter this hotel without permission. Come with me, and I'll take you away."

(End of this chapter)

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