The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 593 Sorry, I'm Driving

Chapter 593 Sorry, I'm Driving

After Gong Yusi made the call, it didn't take long to answer it, and Yunxi's magnetic voice rang through the microphone.


Gong Yusi squeezed the phone tightly, sweating from nervousness, she didn't listen to Yun Xi's words and came to Wuye City, but she couldn't blame her, she couldn't give up on her friend.

Yun Xi also values ​​friends the most, doesn't she?

Gong Yusi didn't speak for a long time, and Yun Xi said "Hello" again before she realized it and whispered to Yun Xi.

"Yun Xi, you have to be careful, it seems that someone is trying to harm you."

Yun Xi was sitting in the driver's seat of the Ferrari supercar, holding the steering wheel with one hand, pressing the Bluetooth headset on her ear, and smiling slightly.

"There are too many people trying to harm me, so you don't need to worry about that. By the way, how is your review going?"

Gong Yusi bit her lip, feeling guilty for a while.

"The review is over, the exam is no problem."

Yunxi asked with a smile again.

"Then why don't you go to bed so late, and tell me to pay attention to bad guys, did you meet bad guys?"

Gong Yusi heard Yun Xi's tone as if she didn't know that she had gone out, she felt a little relieved but still had an unspeakable loss, she said to Yun Xi.

"No, I just had a nightmare and I'm going to sleep right away."

Yunxi said.

"That's good, it's best to be a good boy."

Yun Xi's voice was still very gentle, but Gong Yusi knew that this kind of gentleness did not belong to her alone...

Since when did she become so greedy?
I just want him to look at me more and pay more attention to me. Since when has he been in her eyes and in her heart?

Gong Yu was thinking, holding the phone even tighter, reluctant to hang up, she wanted to hear Yun Xi's voice, even the sound of breathing.

Yun Xi didn't hear Gong Yusi's voice for a long time, so she couldn't help asking.

"Still here?"

Gong Yusi nodded quickly, and after nodding, she realized that Yun Xi couldn't see, so she said softly.

"I'm here...I'm going to rest right away."

Yun Xi said yes and was about to hang up, but Gong Yusi said suddenly.

"Yun Xi, can you tell me a story?"

After she finished speaking, Yunxi was silent for a while, and it was only after a while that Yunxi said to her.

"Excuse me, I'm driving."

"Where are you going so late?"

It wasn't until Gong Yusi asked that she realized that this was not the question she should ask. She bit her lip, but heard Yun Xi say something softly.

"To do the last bit of favor."

After hearing this, Gong Yusi's heart skipped a beat. She said to Yun Xi, "Be careful." After Yun Xi said, "I know, you should also take a good rest", Yun Xi hung up the phone.

Gong Yusi held the phone, listening to the beeping of the busy line on the phone, she felt empty in her heart.

She wanted to pat herself on the face to wake herself up.

Yun Xi is not her boyfriend, she doesn't need to be like this, just be a little fan who quietly watches him...

But what if Hanhan is right.

Falling in love is fate, if you don’t try it, who knows if it will work.

Yun Xi is such a gentle person, she... She also really wanted him to warm herself, even if it was only for one day.

Gong Yusi lowered her head and looked at her phone, thinking that Yun Xi was driving and talking just now, and suddenly thought, is Yun Xi driving here?Want to come and find her?
As soon as this thought appeared, her heart couldn't help beating.

The phone on her lap vibrated again. She excitedly picked up the phone and looked at it, but was instantly disappointed again.

It was Qu Yuhan.

Qu Yuhan's voice was very impatient.

"Sisi, haven't you arrived yet? Someone is waiting for you at the gate of heaven and earth! They are getting impatient!"

Gong Yusi said in a low voice.

"Hanhan, I'm in the hall, where are you?"

(End of this chapter)

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