The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 594 Overbearing President X Little White Rabbit

Chapter 594 Overbearing President X Little White Rabbit

Qu Yuhan was obviously taken aback when he heard Gong Yusi's words.She said a little nervously.

"You didn't come alone?"

Where does Gong Yusi have any friends? Who could go out with her?
And the one who gave away at night and brought people into the heaven and earth, could it be Yun Xi?
Impossible, didn't Yun Xi just downloaded the live broadcast and was going to rest?
Qu Yuhan had countless thoughts in her mind for a while, but she calmed down immediately, glanced at Long Kang, who was shirtless and flushed, and said in a low voice.

"No matter how you got in, just come in. I'll take the elevator down to the B1032 floor. I'm in room [-]. Come here quickly."

After finishing speaking, she hung up the phone, leaving Gong Yusi in a daze. She stared at the phone for a while and felt that something was wrong, but it had reached this point... and the man who looked very similar to Yun Xi also went to the responsibility layer.

If she could find that man and discover his true face, she could also help Yun Xi.

Thinking of this, Gong Yusi stood up and walked to the elevator.

There were already many people standing by the elevator, most of them were men, and a small number of them were beautiful, gorgeous or handsome waiters. She walked in wearing a T-shirt and jeans that didn't fit in, and didn't fit in with the surrounding environment.

The men in suits and leather shoes in the elevator looked at the little white rabbit that had strayed in with interest, and one of them, a middle-aged man about 40 years old, looked calmly at the elevator wall opposite him.

Gong Yusi's reflection was clearly printed on the wall. He squinted his eyes and looked at her from beginning to end undisguisedly, with more and more interest on his face.

Gong Yusi felt chills all over her body, but in order to find Yu Fan, she forcibly held back and walked down.

The elevator stopped quickly, and the elevator door opened. The music inside was so loud that it hurt people's ears. The dazzling lights hit the floor outside the elevator, and Gong Yusi could feel the ground shaking.

The people in the elevator went down one after another. She clutched her bag tightly and huddled in the corner, waiting for these people to go down before going in.

But when everyone left and she let out a breath and walked away quietly, someone grabbed her wrist.

A greasy hand held her thin wrist, and gently rubbed it with her thumb. The disgusting feeling made Gong Yusi's whole body tremble.

"You let go!!"

Her voice was instantly blocked by the voice outside the elevator.

The greasy middle-aged man with parted hair looked at her with a smile. He took her wrist with one hand and pulled her into his arms.

At the same time, this man also regards it as a kind of fun.

He lowered his head, and he did not know how much hairspray was applied to his greasy mid-parted hair. Although it smelled of high-end perfume, it still made people feel sick!
Gong Yusi struggled to refuse, but heard the man leaning close to her ear, exhaling deliberately in her ear, and then said with a smile.

"Little white rabbit, you can't escape today."

Does this bridge section look familiar? !
Domineering President X Little White Rabbit

Gong Yusi looked desperate. She pushed the man vigorously, but the man pressed her against the wall of the elevator, and he raised his hand to reach into her clothes...

Gong Yusi's bag fell to the ground, she gritted her teeth and said angrily.

"Go away!"

The domineering president, the greasy man, pinched her waist and said with a smile.

"Scream, no matter how loud you scream, no one will come to rescue you."

Just as he was talking, the elevator door suddenly opened.

(End of this chapter)

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