The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 595 Shin Seven Jiro

Chapter 595 Shin Seventeenth Lang

The domineering president's interest was interrupted, and he obviously looked dissatisfied with desire, but the people outside the door were even more domineering than him. After talking, he opened his hand and dragged Gong Yusi out of the elevator.

Before the middle-aged greasy man could speak, the elevator door suddenly closed and the elevator went up.

He swears in the elevator.

Who is that person inside? !

How dare a brat rob someone from him? !

The elevator went up to the first floor, and the elevator door opened. Angrily, he was about to take out his phone and find someone to investigate the information about that kid. If he disturbed his interest in eating the little white rabbit, he would never forgive him!
But when he picked up the phone, he froze for a moment.

The one who dragged the little white rabbit out just now was a boy in a white shirt and jeans. Now, another one came in through the door?
Is it popular to wear it like this now?

The boy who came in had short chestnut hair and a faint smile on his lips. After entering the elevator, he found a corner and leaned lazily against the wall, putting his hands in his pockets.

Noticing that the middle-aged greasy and domineering president was looking at him, he lazily raised his head and smiled.

"Negative layer, thank you."

The greasy and domineering president was stunned for a moment, and didn't move for a long time. The boy seemed to be wondering why he didn't move. The boy took out a wallet and opened it. There was a row of cards in it. He looked for one randomly, as if he was looking for a tip for the domineering president.

The domineering president was completely out of anger!
He has never been insulted like this since he grew up!

Am I the little brother who presses the elevator? ?
Does Lao Tzu look like someone who serves others?
Facing the lazily smiling teenager, he gritted his teeth fiercely and said with a sneer.

"I'm not pressing the elevator! I'm going to get off the elevator! Do you know my identity?! Who are you, get out of here!"

Yun Xi straightened up after hearing his words, and walked to the elevator button by herself.

The domineering president was about to push him, but after a closer look, he found that the young man was really good-looking and very suitable, so his smile became even more domineering, and he raised his hand to give Yunxi a wall.

"Boy, you look good. How about this? If you stay with me for one night, I will forgive you once. How about it? If you serve me well, I can still let you be my lover."

He was so smart that he forgot the row of cards in Yun Xi's wallet.

The standard of this heaven and earth is high, and there are not many people at this point, and Yunxi is not a high-level VIP, and she still buys the card to enter the door.

Anyway, this place will be copied by Jinmo in the future, so she didn't spend much, and the cards she bought were all the cheapest.

So no one was waiting in the elevator, the waiters including the front desk could see clearly who was in the elevator, they pretended not to care, but then saw the domineering president being kicked out!
Kick... Kick it out!
The waiters were startled.

The domineering president staggered, and there was a footprint on the back of the expensive custom-made suit. He was so angry that he stood at the elevator door and started yelling at the elevator.

Seeing this happening, the waiter hurried over to comfort the president whose self-esteem had been hurt.

The domineering president was shaking with anger, and the words Yun Xi said kept appearing in his mind.

"My eldest wife and the younger wife share the same bed. Do you think I have a crush on you? Still be your lover? Get out."

What the hell!

a bed!
His face fluctuated, and his anger was weird.

"I don't have a wife yet! Get out of here, boy, how can you be better than me with your small body?! I'm the president! The president!"

[-]. Seventeen times a night, the dignity of the domineering president cannot be challenged!
(End of this chapter)

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