The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 596 Is there only one little brother?

Chapter 596 Is Little Brother Alone?
There was no mobile phone signal in the elevator, and Yunxi felt inexplicably relieved after kicking people. She put the phone in her pocket, and walked down after the elevator stopped.

She has been to nightclubs before, but she is not very interested in the feasting and feasting here.

There were countless people on the dance floor in the middle, elegant or flirtatious men were sitting on the high stools at the bar, and there were also several beautiful women with long hair during the period.

Not far away, there are rows of small private rooms.

I can't stand the dancing anymore, so I just go in and solve it?

Not bad.

Yun Xi raised her eyebrows, the dim blue light on the dance floor was on her white shirt, she took out a candy from her pocket, put the candy in her mouth, carefully folded the candy wrapper and put it back in her pocket.

As her brother likes candy wrappers, she keeps them for him.

She stood at the door in a daze for a while, and countless eyes fell on her.

Yun Xi is really pretty, the light turns from blue to ambiguous orange, her body seems to be coated with the warm sun's light, between the stacks of candy paper, the candy paper flickers, her eyes are slightly drooping, and her fingers are slender.

The collar of the white shirt was loose, revealing a white and attractive collarbone.

The drunk people at the table immediately turned their attention to Yun Xi, and the men exchanged glances and chatted.

"I haven't seen this one before, is it for fun or for sale?"

"If you want to sell it, go to Mr. Du first? This kind of top-quality duck is worth a lot of money."

"Compared to that Brahma?"

"I heard that Fan quit. Did you find someone with a similar temperament to replace him? I feel that he has a better temperament this time."

"Tsk, this is why you don't want to do it? It's funny."

They muttered to each other, Yunxi approached the bar and ordered a drink, everyone looked at her again, she picked up her phone with her lips curled up, and called Gong Yusi.

Can't get through.

That girl was sold right now?

Yun Xi's eyes narrowed slowly, and her fingers lightly rested on the table top of the bar, her fair fingers looked like white jade under the light of the bar.

A man next to him stared at Yun Xi's fingers and secretly drooled, but unexpectedly Yun Xi turned his head and smiled at him.

The man who came here to find pleasure, his heart skipped a beat when he saw Yun Xi's smile, and his words became ambiguous.

"Is little brother alone?"

Yun Xi lightly tapped the bar with her fingers, her voice was magnetic, with an ambiguous low hoarse voice that matched the environment.

"No, I'm here to find my girlfriend. She is about 1.6 meters tall, with a ponytail and a small black bag. She looks nervous and doesn't like to talk. Have you seen her?"

Find a girlfriend.

This person's eyes became more ambiguous upon hearing this.

If the girlfriend came here, she must have been cheated, but he really has an impression of this girl.

he said with a smile.

"I have met my brother, but my brother told you, what can you give back to my brother? There is no free lunch in the world."

Yunxi also hooked her lips and smiled.

The bartender at the bar put the prepared Bloody Mary in front of Yun Xi, turning a blind eye to everything that happened here.

Yun Xi's fair hand moved away from the table and tapped the wine glass lightly.

The shadow of the wine glass left a moving shadow on her hand, her lips curled up, and she looked at this "brother".

"Then tell me first, where did she go?"

The man simply told this little brother that he was cheated on, so he could give up, right?

"Cubicle 1001, she went there with a man, little brother, do you really want to find it? If you see something you shouldn't look at, be careful of being stimulated. But it doesn't matter if you are stimulated. My brother will accompany you, and I hurt my brother's arms." lend you."

(End of this chapter)

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