The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 601 Me?I'm here to beat someone up!

Chapter 601 Me?I'm here to beat someone up!
Qu Yuhan slapped him down, and a group of people around were cheering. Men and women held wine glasses and put their arms around each other's waists to watch the sisters' fight.


Gong Yusi's hair was disheveled, she didn't know where she dropped her bag for a long time, and even the corners of her lips were bloody, and she was in a mess. At this time, she should be sleeping on the bed in the dormitory and waiting for tomorrow's exam, instead of staying here and becoming a Poor thing.

She bit her lip, her hair hurt from being pulled, she couldn't even stand upright, Qu Yuhan was still sneering.

"What's the matter, you came all the way to hook up with my boyfriend, are you wronged? It's wrong for me to hit you?!"

Gong Yusi's arm was still burned by cigarette butts, and now her whole body was in burning pain, but now this was nothing compared to her distress, she tried hard to turn her head to look at Qu Yuhan, and asked her why.


Aren't they friends?
On such a big night, she ran to such a dangerous place just to do her a favor.

As a result, when the door of the cubicle was opened, Qu Yuhan's so-called boyfriend wanted to... wanted to force her to fuck her, and Qu Yuhan was watching the man trying to tear his clothes.

Why is that?
Isn't that her boyfriend?
She's so scared...

But why did Qu Yuhan look at herself with such disgust and pity?

Doesn't she stop...

Gong Yusi struggled for a long time and couldn't move at all. Only then did she remember what Yun Xi had said to her, but the phone was crushed by them, so she could only hold her clothes to protect her last dignity.

Last time I was almost...

She doesn't...she doesn't...

Help me, Yun Xi, please help me...

Gong Yusi didn't understand what happened at all, until the man spat on her and cursed "a dead fish", pinched the cigarette butt on her arm, and then she was thrown out, followed by a series of beatings.

She also saw that Qu Yuhan was also beaten by that man.

But she couldn't figure it out, why did Qu Yuhan come out and beat herself, and still say such things?

Gong Yusi was obviously not as low-born as her parents, but because she was a good child with good grades since childhood, and had never been exposed to such vicious things, Qu Yuhan found it funny when she saw her like this.

"You stopped talking? Are you pitiful? I know, you are the best at pitiful! Xueba, female Xueba, pure and cute, is this how you deceive others to like you?!"

"Tell me what skills you have? If something happens, you will only ask for help. Why, let your elder brother Yun come to save you, ah! Aren't you very capable?!"

Gong Yusi was in a daze, she squinted her swollen eyes to look at Qu Yuhan, she just wanted to ask.


Why do this to her?

She did nothing wrong at all...

Is it wrong to believe in friends?
When she was drowsy, she saw Qu Yuhan raised her hand again to slap her, a helpless and bitter expression appeared on her face.

But the slap that should have been slapped did not fall on her face!

"Yun Xi, what are you doing here?!"

Qu Yuhan's frightened and angry voice came to Gong Yusi's eyes, and her eyes that were originally lacking energy suddenly opened, and she saw Yunxi pinching Qu Yuhan's wrist with her backhand under the magic light.

Just now, the strong man who was around Gong Sisi came over with his shirts, one of which was smoking, playing the ash into Yunxi's body, and his tone was very polite.

"Boy, what are you doing here?!"

Yun Xi's smile was gentle, but she kicked up suddenly, directly on the man's abdomen and sent him flying!
The strong man flew backwards and knocked over the wine table. Amidst the screams of the crowd, Yun Xi stomped out the cigarette he had dropped on the ground, and his smile became even brighter.

"Me? I'm here to beat someone up!"

(End of this chapter)

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