The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 602 Are you still playing?I accompany you

Chapter 602 Are you still playing?I accompany you

Yun Xi's voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard by a group of strong men standing in front of her.

Under the light of the underground bar, they looked at Yun Xi with suspicious eyes, and then one of them spat.

"Boy, the tone is not small! Come to beat someone?!"

Yun Xi's shoe tip is grinding the cigarette butts on the ground, and she is smiling lazily. She is wearing a white shirt with ripped jeans and a pair of canvas shoes, and her short chestnut hair brushes her ears. The campus male god who rides a bicycle and brings the girl he likes.

It is incompatible with such a coquettish place as a bar.

Of course, he is also incompatible with a group of shirtless brawny men, like a clear boy who accidentally broke into the world of adults.

The music in the bar became more and more exciting, the disco dancers were jumping wildly in Taichung, shaking their hair wildly, Yunxi raised his lips above the edge, facing a group of social people who really saw blood with their knives.

Qu Yuhan didn't expect that Yunxi would really appear here. He was just for Gong Yusi?
Gong Yusi's boyfriend is amazing, isn't he?

She bit her lip, and there was a mark on her lip that was painted with bright red lipstick. Then she folded her arms and looked at Yun Xi, unable to suppress the anger on her face.

"Are you here to seek death? Then I will help you! Are you amazing?! Let me tell you, this is Brother Long's territory, Brother Long is not...!"

Before she could finish her sentence, she suddenly heard the sound of a wine bottle breaking.

She clearly saw Yunxi pick up the champagne on the table and smash it directly on the head of a strong man who was leaning over behind him. The strong man froze for a moment and let out a loud roar. throat!

Thick blood oozes from the strong man's throat.

The blood was extremely bright under the light, and the strong man didn't dare to move. He suddenly felt chills in his heart when he saw Yunxi's smiling face, but he raised his hands in desperation to express his surrender, but his eyes turned towards Yunxi's back!

Yun Xi smiled and took out a knife from behind her. Turning the knife around, it seemed as if she had eyes in the back, and the blade touched the chest of the man behind her. She seemed to chuckle and asked them.

"Are you still playing? I'll accompany you!"

After finishing speaking, she moved forward with the hand holding the wine bottle, and the blood donation kept gushing from the throat of the man in front of her.

The man didn't speak, but suddenly there was a burst of applause behind Yun Xi.

With his bare chest, Long Kang held a cigar between his fingertips, squinted his eyes and applauded Yun Xi behind the white smoke of the cigar.

"Boy, we meet again. You are not bad behind you, and you performed beautifully."

The lord came, Yun Xi narrowed her eyes and threw the bloody wine bottle aside, the strong man threatened by her roared and wanted to rush over, but Long Kang yelled at him.

"Stay still, back off!"

The strong man clutched his throat unwillingly and let out an angry growl, then stepped back, glaring at Yunxi with red eyes, as if he could eat her flesh.

Yun Xi also politely put away the small knife in her hand, holding a knife flower in her hand. The person who was pressed against the heart by her breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly heard a series of bursts of laughter. He followed everyone's gaze and lowered his head. Only belatedly did I realize that my pants had fallen off.

Yunxi cut his belt?
when? !

He looked at Yun Xi with frightened and angry eyes. Yun Xi had already returned to Gong Yusi's side, took out a candy from his pocket, and slowly unwrapped the candy wrapper under the unkind eyes of a group of people.

Looking at Yun Xi's calmness, Long Kang exchanged a glance with Qu Yuhan, with an evil smile flashing in his eyes.

He narrowed his eyes and walked towards Yunxi, while smiling.

"That's your son?! The taste is not bad."

 Liu Ruchi: I have something to do today, so it’s too late to update QwQ
  I hope you can forgive me

(End of this chapter)

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