The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 802 Reasons for Rejection

Chapter 802 Reasons for Rejection

Yun Xi didn't speak, just smiled lazily.

If she said otherwise, wouldn't it be the same as accepting Jinmo's confession?
In fact, to be honest, she knew that apart from being unwilling to accept Jinmo, she knew that there was another and most important reason...

When facing Jinmo, she became very unlike herself.

In other words, it was too much.

In the past, she could do whatever she wanted, no one cared about her, she was free to be her Brother Yun, and she took care of everything by herself, with a group of younger brothers behind her.

Live freely and happily.

But after getting to know Jinmo and getting in touch with Jinmo, she seems to have degenerated.

Someone cooks delicious food for her, someone arranges her schedule for her, someone knows when she is not feeling well, and even when she is tired and her feet hurt, someone will take her away...

what is this?
She doesn't need to.

She has a housekeeper, but she doesn't "rely on" the housekeeper or the nanny, instead, to some extent, she takes care of these lovely "girls".

She is not afraid when she is tired, anyone who is not tired can continue to walk down if her feet hurt, as long as she does not cry out in pain or show pain, no one will know that she is in pain.

Over the years, she has gotten used to it.

She is the big brother, she is the boss, and she is the support of those behind her, so she must be strong.

What is it to rely on others?
This guy Jinmo intervened forcefully in her life, obviously not interfering in everything about her, obviously just standing behind her to accompany her, but she could feel at ease and at ease.

Those who rely on others are not Mr. Yun.

Mr. Yun should be an upright person, the idol of the fans, the buddy of Cen Ziyan, and the brother Yun of the younger brothers.

Yunxi knew that she was afraid of this change.

She is not only refusing Jinmo's confession and pursuit of her, but she is refusing to become a cowardly person who relies on others.

Even at GE, she knew that as a team member, she had to cooperate with other team members, but she also followed her brother's sustenance, and she was the one who wanted to win the championship with them.

Rugui and Jinmo are together, she seems to be vulnerable...

She is used to spending the night alone. When she is sad, she pours a glass of wine and looks at the city or the sky under the night sky. After drinking all the wine, she adjusts all emotions.

No one should accept her negative emotions, no one can fully bear another person's grief.

She is used to listening to other people's confidantes, used to fighting for others' injustice, used to calmly controlling everything in her hands, she is used to it.

This is the life she is used to.

Jinmo wants to give her another life.

In the dark night, there was another person beside her, as if she could confide to him what she didn't know what it meant, and he would always be there, listening to her nonsense.

Drink with her, but don't let her drink too much to hurt her body.

Check for her, let her indulge, and let her not have to bear the consequences of indulgence.

It is said that there is no such thing as a quiet time, because someone is carrying the burden for you.

Jinmo seems to be able to help her bear all the burdens in life. If she wants the years to be quiet, he will let her time be quiet. If he wants to be lawless, he will spoil her to the point of lawlessness.

This feeling is too strange, too scary.

She can take on everything by herself, and she doesn't need others to take it for her. After all, she is her, and Jinmo is Jinmo. Both of them are independent individuals, and he doesn't need to bear anything for himself.

Yun Xi didn't speak for a while, Jin Mo looked at her quietly, his heart sinking slowly.

it is as expected.

(End of this chapter)

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