The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 803 But I Love You

Chapter 803 But I Love You

what is like

what is love?
Yun Xi never thought it was important, because there is only so much time in life, and there are too many important things.

Instead of spending time to distinguish between love and liking, she might as well read books, play the piano, play games, skate and fencing, she can do too many things, why spend time researching whether you love me, I love you or not, such things?

Jin Mo gently opened his arms around Yun Xi's waist, and retreated slightly.

The distance between the two of them didn't loosen much, but Yun Xi felt that without Jin Mo's embrace, she actually felt a little cold.

This is very good, the slightly lower temperature is good for people to think.

Jin Mo looked deeply at Yun Xi, sighing from the bottom of his heart.

He knew from the very beginning that the liking of the little evildoer is just liking, not love.

Because he loves, he can distinguish the two completely different emotions of love and liking.

He also doesn't want to talk about this with Yun Xi, he is too hypocritical for a big man to love or not all day long, but if he cares, if he loves, there is nothing he can do.

He has become unlike himself, so how can he care about others.

Jinmo gently pulled Yun Xi up, his voice low and gentle.

"Let me ask you, if you see Brother Thumbs making trouble for me, you will feel uncomfortable, because you think I am your buddy. If Cen Ziyan, or your little brother in middle school is bullied, you will also stand up for them, right?"

"You don't have to answer, just nod."

Jinmo tried hard to suppress the strength of his hand, and relaxed his tone, so that he didn't seem to care so much.

In fact, his heart and mouth were bitter.

Realizing that he is not as important as her younger brother or buddies to the little evildoer, this is not a pleasant thing, but it is something he must recognize clearly.

Yun Xi nodded.


She is also confused now, and she doesn't know how to get along with Jinmo.

It's okay to be so unclear, so she should make it clear.

It's too bad that she seems to be hanging on her heart like this.

Instead of wasting time on this kind of time, it is better to train hard and work hard to improve their level so that they can win the championship!

She was about to speak when Jinmo stretched out his fingers to press her lips.

With his fingers hard, Yun Xi's slightly swollen red lips were slightly sunken, and Yun Xi's words were also blocked.

Jinmo's eyes darkened, but his voice became more gentle.

Before getting to know Yunxi, he never thought that he had such patience and good temper, nor would he think that he would spend time on such things that he thought were childish and ignorant.

Now he feels that as long as he is with the little monster, all the time and things are worth it.

He wants to be with her forever.


"Yun Xi."

Jin Mo pressed Yun Xi's lips, imprinting her in his eyes.

Yun Xi seemed to see deep affection in his eyes, deep affection.

This kind of emotion is difficult to perform even if it is played by old actors, and she only saw it in her father's eyes when he looked at Yun Shoushou.

The feeling that she could occupy his entire world by herself made Yunxi flustered.

She subconsciously wanted to break free, but Jinmo hugged her waist tightly and looked at her, only at her.

"If you can say you like it, you will like it, and if you say you can give it up, you will give it up. That is not love, little monster."

"You just like me."

"But I love you, Yun Xi, I love you."

Jinmo once said to No——

"He's still too young and too playful. It's getting late now. When he has had enough fun, I'll take him home."

That's not cruel and it's not about their future.

It's because he knows Yun Xi well.

In other words, his love is too strong, it has already far surpassed the love that he likes to simply agree with the world.

Yun Xi's lips moved, her heart beat like thunder, and her ears rang like drums.


Yunxi felt her throat dry, and her words became jerky, but she was very sincere, and what she said were all things she had planned long ago.

"Jinmo, I've never thought about it so much, because people's feelings are always changing, and I can't guarantee that if I'm interested in you now, I will be able to take full responsibility for your whole life."

"More importantly...I don't think I can be a good father yet."

Jinmo: ...? ? ?
 Liu Ruchi: 50 update is over~ please check it~ good night
(End of this chapter)

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