Chapter 808 Go! Away!
Downstairs, Lan Xuejun was angrily "sent" to the first floor by the VIP elevator, and she couldn't hide the anger and resentment on her face.

As soon as she got off the elevator, beautiful waitresses in work uniforms stood respectfully on both sides of the elevator and bowed to her.

: "Thank you for coming, welcome to come again next time."

Lan Xueyun said angrily.

"Ghosts will come to your poor place!"

After she finished speaking, she turned her head and left!
After walking two steps, she remembered that her bag was still in the dining room... Damn it, Mr. Yun thought she would go back, didn't he?
She doesn't, she doesn't!

Lan Xuejun gritted her teeth, picked up her mobile phone, and was about to call GE's people to ask them to bring down the backpack, but when she took out her mobile phone, she realized that except for the phone number of the team manager, she didn't have any phone calls from them at all.

Usually they communicate through group notifications in WeChat groups.

So why did she join GE's inhuman garbage team? !
Forget it, begging for help is worse than asking for herself, she'd better go by herself.

An angry Lan Xueyun put her mobile phone in her trouser pocket, coughed lightly to straighten her expression and walked towards the waiter standing at the elevator door, who bowed her head and ignored her.

Lan Xueyun didn't mind either, she opened the elevator and walked in, and pressed her hand on the floor buttons of the elevator. After pressing for a long time, she found that those buttons were all gray and not bright at all.

"What the hell is this??"

Lan Xueyun felt pain in her finger when she pressed the button, and the button clicked and clicked, but the elevator still didn't move at all. She stomped out unwillingly and questioned the waitress.

"Is there something wrong with the elevator here?! Can it go down but not up? Is this broken elevator going to send guests to hell?!"

The waitress kept her head down humbly, and after Lan Xueyun had vented her anger, she raised her head and said to her with a professional and emotionless smile.

"Dear customers, only customers with VIP cards can take the VIP elevator. Please show your VIP card, and I will accompany you to the exclusive VIP floor."

Lan Xueyun suddenly lacked confidence.

Only the captain of the Five team has the VIP card, and she was sent out by Mr. Yun before she asked for the contact information...

Sure enough, Mr. Yun wanted to embarrass him!
This vicious man!
Lan Xueyun backed away from the standard smile of the waitress showing eight teeth, took out her mobile phone and sent a circle of friends bitterly——

"Being kicked out, the big meal is gone, woo woo woo.

Aren't some people tired of acting in a mask?I really want to tear off your mask and let people see what a vicious and hypocritical person you really are! "

After she finished speaking, she took a photo of the elevator and the "vicious" waitress who asked her for a VIP card just now.

After posting on Moments, Lan Xueyun's inner anger still hadn't calmed down. While walking out with her mobile phone, she suddenly remembered that Camus was still in the car.

Ask Camus to carry her bag?
Forget it, Camus gave her a cold stare, and she didn't care for the help of this kind of person.


She can follow Camus to the elevator.

Mr. Yun's villain would never have thought that she could go back, and when he saw her go back, Mr. Yun's face would definitely not look good.

Haha, thinking of Mr. Yun being so angry with her, I feel inexplicably happy.

Thinking about it, Lan Xueyun walked towards the off-road vehicle parked in front of the restaurant.

Inside the off-road vehicle, Edward's cheeks were flushed, and he clenched his hand into a fist by his side so as not to slap the notebook in Gong Yiheng's face, but his magnetic voice could no longer suppress his anger.

"Go! Away!"

(End of this chapter)

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