809 Dangerous man

Gong Yiheng put his shoulders on Edward's shoulders in disgrace, and hugged him vigorously.

"Speak English again? I'm terrible at English and can't understand what you're saying. Are you praising me for being handsome?"

Gong Yiheng couldn't understand such simple spoken language, but he didn't know why, seeing Edward's expression on the verge of rage but still suffering, he wanted to bully him.

Want to bully.

Edward himself didn't know how cute he looked now.

Edward's skin was as fair as white marble, exuding a kind of noble coldness, his blue eyes were clearly full of impatience, but there was still some fear hidden in the dark green eyes.

Just like a little rabbit without any aggressive power, it still wants to bite people when faced with danger.

Gong Yiheng realized that he really wanted to see this restrained and handsome man... crying?
Just like now, his eyes are a little red, and his pale pink lips under his tall nose are tightly pressed, trying his best to hide his anger. His limbs are slender, but not as strong as his own.

The muscles in the arms tense, and every cell in the body is clamoring for rejection, wanting to escape.

But the whole person was still held in Gong Yiheng's arms.

Obviously want to refuse, but can't.

The swearing is just a few monotonous sentences, and Edward's super-high quality always restrains Edward from making disrespectful behaviors and swearing words that do not meet the requirements of a gentleman.

Even if he is in a predicament now and cannot escape.

It feels weird.

Gong Yiheng seemed to understand why Yun Xi always likes to tease Jinmo in an instant. In fact, ascetic people seem to be born with a kind of charm, which makes people want to see him bear to the point of breaking out, and finally cry and beg for mercy?

Gong Yiheng's eyes were full of smiles, and he didn't think too much about it, he just felt that he was full of wickedness.

After all, this foreign man seems to be able to easily arouse his anger.

No, something more flammable than anger points - mania.

There is a lot of space in the off-road vehicle, but Gong Yiheng sat in the back seat, squeezed Edward beside the door and locked the car long ago.

Edward was trapped in his chest, unable to leave even if he wanted to, trembling with anger.

A gentleman like him needs to keep a distance from others, which is a respect for people, and he has never been so close to others except for the nanny who took care of him when he was a child!

The heat from Gong Yiheng's body continuously spread to his body, and he could clearly feel his sharp-edged figure and tight and powerful muscles.

Edward became more and more uncomfortable.

His entire space seemed to shrink, only to a little bit around him, which made it difficult for him to breathe, and what was even more frightening was that he felt that with every breath he took, what he inhaled into his nostrils was the smell of this smelly man.

Gong Yiheng, a smelly man.

This man is full of aggression, he doesn't use perfume, his body exudes a brilliant light that is always illuminated by the sun, and there is a faint breath on his body.

It's hard to describe, it's either aroma or no special taste, it just makes people blush when they get close to it.

If the male hormone has a smell, it should be like this on him.

Edward's pure gay heart couldn't help beating violently. He resisted this kind of contact, but he was not as strong as Gong Yiheng, and he couldn't refuse at all.

He misses Yun Xi very much right now...

If Yun Xi was here, he would definitely not be bullied like this.

Edward was a little wronged for a moment, his crimson eyes drooped slightly, showing a disappointed expression.

(End of this chapter)

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