The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 810 No matter how long-winded, believe it or not, I will kiss you? !

Chapter 810 No matter how long-winded, believe it or not, I will kiss you? !
Edward seemed so wronged that he was about to cry, although Gong Yiheng wanted to see him cry, but his eyes were really red, and Gong Yiheng suddenly panicked.

"Hey, what are you crying for?"

"I didn't cry."

Edward's voice was also lacklustre. He stared blankly at the ceiling and turned on the mode of thinking about clouds.

In Gong Yiheng's eyes, since he was bullied so hard, he began to have nothing to love.

Gong Yiheng let go of his arms and moved a little to the side, giving Edward room to breathe.

Edward breathed a sigh of relief when the aggressive temperature that didn't belong to him was removed.

He still likes Yun Xi who is gentle and not too aggressive. He will feel very comfortable around Yun Xi, but beside this man... he just feels uncomfortable.

As if the legs and feet do not know their own like.

Edward breathed a sigh of relief.

Tilting her head slightly, she closed her eyes as if she was exhausted, her long eyelashes curled up, trembling slightly like a small fan, under the high bridge of her nose, the corners of her lips were still tight.

Gong Yiheng put his elbows on the back of the back seat and suddenly felt a little hot. He completely unzipped his coat and threw it on the back seat. He went to see Edward again and found that Edward was also peeking at him.

He found that Edward closed his eyes, pretending that he had been resting with his eyes closed.

Gong Yiheng laughed out loud, and instead of leaning over, he tugged at his neckline.

"you see me?"

Edward said nothing, pretending that he had already rested.

He didn't know why he felt scared when he heard the sound of Gong Yiheng undressing just now, as if he was afraid that Gong Yiheng would do something excessive to him.

Sure enough, staying with this man is too dangerous.

Edward's long eyelashes trembled uncontrollably, his lips were pursed, trying to turn his head aside.

He must follow Yun Xi in the future and stay away from this man!
Edward clenched his fists in his heart. He didn't hear anything around him for a long time. He was completely relieved, and he was about to open his mouth to say, can they leave?

If he didn't leave, he felt like he would suffocate in the car.

Just when he was about to speak, he felt the familiar man full of hormones approaching again, and he felt his bangs being lifted up...

The scorching breath brushed over his forehead, and there was a deadly numbness, and he could feel the goosebumps on his arms stand up.

His face was instantly blushed, Edward blushed for his shameful reaction, he clenched his teeth, and his voice wanted to come out of the back of his teeth.

" go...!"

Before he finished speaking, a burst of laughing breath breathed on his sensitive skin.

Gong Yiheng lifted Edward's bangs with one hand, and put his lips on his smooth forehead.

The soft and hot touch is so strange.

"GO what, Go to your heart, can you go to your heart? Huh?"

Gong Yiheng didn't kiss him, but every time his lips moved, he would lightly touch his skin, that feeling of clearly feeling his existence...

Edward couldn't help cursing.


Gong Yiheng laughed again, and when he looked again, he found that Edward's eyes were even redder.

Edward really didn't want to cry, he was made hot by Gong Yiheng, he even gave Gong Yiheng a look, Gong Yiheng felt that he might be blind, why did he feel that Edward's eyes looked like winking? ? ?

Gong Yiheng coughed lightly and opened the car window.

too hot.

"Okay, I won't mess with you anymore, don't be wronged.",

Edward shook the car door, but it didn't open, Gong Yiheng's arm stretched out to help him unlock it, Edward kicked the car door, holding his notebook and staring back at Gong Yiheng.

"I'm not wronged! From now on, you will stand three meters away from me!"

Gong Yiheng curled his lips in disdain.

"That won't work."


Edward seemed to have never seen such a shameless person as Gong Yiheng. He choked on Gong Yiheng's shamelessness, and opened his mouth to speak a lot of English!

He is angry!Angry Biao Mandarin!

Gong Yiheng's head was dizzy from the pile of English, so he simply grabbed Edward's wrist, and pulled Edward back with force.

"No more verbosity, believe it or not, I'll kiss you?! Huh?"

(End of this chapter)

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