The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 811 Did the leather shoes offend you?

Chapter 811 Did the leather shoes offend you?
Edward was pulled by Gong Yiheng, his center of gravity was unstable, and he fell directly on Gong Yiheng's body, with his hands on Gong Yiheng's chest, Edward felt that his whole body was going to burn.

The magnetic voice fell into his ears, and the teasing tone made Edward's ears turn red, and his fair ears were covered with a faint pink glow, which looked delicious.

Gong Yiheng put his arms around Edward's waist with one hand, and the corners of his lips raised evilly, and he suddenly wanted to take a bite.

Edward had come to his senses, he raised his knee and was about to push Gong Yiheng's crotch!
"You bastard!"

Gong Yiheng's two slender legs clamped Edward's long legs, Edward's movements were not stretched, but he couldn't move, his body twisted even more violently, his face was full of irritability, his eyes were flushed, and he seemed to be crying.

"You let me go!"

Gong Yiheng saw that the bullying was getting serious, he let go of the hand holding his waist, and lazily put his hand behind his head, with a smile in his eyes.

"I let go."

Edward wants to bite!
"Let go of your legs too! Legs!!"

Edward had one long leg propped on the ground, and the other leg was clamped by Gong Yiheng. He couldn't stand up straight and still lay on Gong Yiheng's body. of.

Angrily, Lan Xueyun was about to walk over to see what happened, and found that the door of the off-road vehicle was closed, but it was not closed tightly. She looked forward——

In the dark interior of the car, GE's data analyst, that foreign beauty who never looked at her and never said a word to her, was lying on Camus' chest...

From her position, only the postures of the two can be seen, but their expressions cannot be seen clearly.

But two big men who were so handsome that they exploded hugged each other, and they were still on the back seat of the off-road vehicle...

The car... The car shakes? ?

Lan Xueyun was shaken both physically and mentally, and froze outside the car for a while.

Although she is a rotten girl, she has been envious of Camus for a long time, and has always imagined that Camus would like her, but she never thought that Camus would be with the foreign data analyst of the team?

Can't wait to mess around in the car? !

So disgusting!
She was really blind!
Lan Xueyun was so angry that she took out her mobile phone and quietly took a picture, which was not satisfying, but when she wanted to take another picture, she heard a movement inside the car, she was so frightened that she froze and hurriedly put away her mobile phone.

After a while, the car door was kicked open again by Gong Yiheng.

Edward bit his lip and got off the back seat first.

His blond hair shone brighter than the sun, and his blue eyes were filled with a touch of sadness despite being alienated thousands of miles away, and his facial features were as perfect as ancient Greek sculptures.

He raised his hand to arrange his hairstyle and clothes meticulously, and then lowered his head to wipe his own leather shoes.

He was so upset that he didn't notice Lan Xueyun who was hiding behind the car.

His body seemed to be covered with the smell of Gong Yiheng, and he couldn't get rid of it no matter what, and the man lifted his forehead like a kiss, and the words before letting go of him just now.

——"Okay, I'll let you go, but don't run around. Tsk, don't move around, your tie is crooked. You are so stupid, you dare to go abroad alone? You are really not afraid of being betrayed."

Who is the little...little fool?

Still stupid? !

Edward lost his temper and polished his leather shoes vigorously.

Gong Yiheng got out of the car with his coat behind his back, saw Edward who seemed to be about to polish his shoes, and couldn't help tilting his head and laughing.

"Does this leather shoe bother you?"

Edward turned his head and glared at him, wanting to throw the cloth in his hand on Gong Yiheng's handsome face!

(End of this chapter)

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