The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 812 It Doesn't Need Face to Coax a Daughter-in-law

Chapter 812 It Doesn't Need Face to Coax a Daughter-in-law
In Gong Yiheng's eyes, Edward was like an irritated rabbit trying to bite someone.

Of course, even if he was bitten, it probably wouldn't hurt much.

Gong Yiheng decided to pamper Edward, he walked to Edward's side, bent down, and hung the coat behind his backhand, his voice was full of laughter and a bit rebellious and evil.

"You can't think of a curse word, do you? Let me teach you, for a person like me here, you can call him a hooligan, or you can call him husband..."

Before Gong Yiheng could finish his sentence, Edward slammed down his shoulder, grabbing Gong Yiheng and throwing him over his shoulder!

Gong Yiheng fell to the ground with a "bang", Edward stood up and clapped his hands in satisfaction, glanced down at Gong Yiheng, and snorted coldly.

"You are shameless!"

Gong Yiheng was lying on the ground on his back, moving his wrists. Although he was thrown over his shoulder badly, he looked in pain, and his expression was also in pain, his handsome face was distorted by the pain.

Edward looked very pleased.

Gong Yiheng was lying on the ground looking up at Edward, Edward's blond hair fell on the bottom of his eyes, the scorching golden color made him squint his eyes involuntarily.

"Hiss—it hurts."

Edward snorted coldly.

"It deserves it. According to your words, this is called self-inflicted crime, and you can't live."

After speaking, Edward kicked Gong Yiheng's shoulder unceremoniously. He was not strong enough, but Gong Yiheng rolled on the ground while screaming in pain.

"Forgive your life, spare your life."

Edward felt very relieved suddenly, he hummed and kicked Gong Yiheng again.

When Edward couldn't kick anymore, Gong Yiheng stopped rolling and blinked his eyes.

"Have you calmed down yet?"

Edward thought for a while and answered honestly.


"That's good."

After finishing speaking, Gong Yiheng straightened up, and stood up vigorously with his waist and abdomen. He patted the dirt on his body and coat. It seemed that he didn't feel any pain at all.

It's just that the appearance of such a handsome man with dirt on his body is still quite embarrassing, especially that there is a dirt mark on that handsome face, which looks like a wrinkle on his forehead.

Edward stared at Gong Yiheng for a while, couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

When he smiled, he covered his mouth and turned his head, his blue eyes narrowed in joy, and his golden hair danced with the slight trembling of his body.

There was also a smile hidden in Gong Yiheng's eyes, he touched his face, and when he saw the dust on his hands, he was instantly disgusted.

"If I go up like this, the captain can lift me up and throw me off the window on the third floor."

Having said that, he would like to thank the captain for the good parking position. He and Edward were so noisy in the blind spot upstairs, except for the people standing under the stairs on the first floor, no one upstairs could see it.

Of course, if someone sees him, he will make such a fuss, after all, he is about to make Edward cry, and making a fool of himself is nothing, as long as he can make him laugh.

For some reason, seeing Edward's smile, Gong Yiheng also felt his heart soften. He patted his coat and prepared to change into a pair of pants before returning to the car.

Jinmo has spare clothes in the car.

He was about the same height as the captain, and the trousers must have fit.

Gong Yiheng said "wait for me" to Edward, and was about to get back into the car, when out of the corner of his eye, he caught a evasive figure behind the car.

reporter? !

Gong Yiheng's eyes instantly turned cold, and he rushed to the rear of the car with a brisk walk.

Lan Xueyun didn't expect that Gong Yiheng would find her, but it was too late for her to run away, Gong Yiheng was much faster than her, and caught her right away.

(End of this chapter)

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