The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 816 Love Makes People's IQ Drop

Chapter 816 Love Makes People's IQ Drop
There was a painful whine from the phone.

The waitress sighed.

It would be great if such a good-looking boy was a girl, so her nephew would have something to look forward to.

What kind of girlfriend would such a good-looking boy find?

Women's clothes definitely look better than girlfriends.

Like a group of Yunxi's fans now, the waitress was very curious about what kind of girlfriend Yunxi would find, and of course most of them were also very curious about whether Yunxi would find a boyfriend.

For example, a boyfriend like Jindu? ?
Due to being too late, Jinmo ordered another box of Moutai as a gift for the Five team. The thumb of the Five team was opening the Moutai box to check whether the wine was real wine bottle by bottle, but he was not very angry.

The rest of Team Five died of curiosity.

This GE team hasn't seen each other for a month, it's getting more and more strange, is it time for infighting again?

The newly recruited young master Yun and the captain are at odds, and Camus is at odds with the data analyst?

The starters of GE are really a group of big shots, they can't be provoked, they can't be provoked, but I don't know whether Camus will leave GE this year, or will the team leave GE?

GE is also a magical cursed team.

Those who left the GE team became champions, all became champions!

After Kra left GE, he became the captain of the QwQ team, and the QwQ team won the KPL finals championship.

After Cub left GE, he became the captain of the ISE team, and the ISE team won the championship of this KPL finals.

If you leave one more next time, you will be able to win the KPL championship, right?
I heard that many investors and teams are frantically wanting to buy GE's starters regardless of the cost, from the Jin team Kamiao MIKI to Yun Gongzi, but everyone has been rejected and can't get a corner.

The Five team looked at Jinmo and the others, pondering in their hearts.

It takes time to make the Man Han Banquet, and it is not finished yet. After eating a small bowl of rice, MIKI is no longer hungry, and sits on the seat with his head bowed quietly playing Rubik's Cube.

Jinmo looked at the time, lowered his head and asked Yunxi if he was hungry, and Yunxi was not, but it seems that they didn't come here today to eat and make friends and fight with each other.

Why did the painting style become like this?

Sure enough...although autumn has come, but GE's estrus has come? ?

Yun Xi sized up Gong Yiheng and Edward from the corner of her eye, then sized up Mo Zhe, who was staring at Jinmo, and finally turned her gaze to Jinmo, who was suddenly enlightened, and it was better not to be enlightened.

"Captain, isn't it time to eat now?"

I came all the way here to play a game!Let's play a game, big pig's trotter!

Big Pig's Trotter was obviously full of love, so he answered a sentence.

"Well, it's not time to eat yet. Are you hungry? I'll order some food for you first. You can eat first and don't worry about them."

Yunxi: ...

There was helplessness in Yunxi's eyes, and Jinmo dragged his chin to think for a while before realizing what Yunxi meant.

Yunxi: ...

It's over, GE is over.

Brother Sui, I'm sorry for you.

The big pig's hooves were rippling, and even his comprehension had problems.

In fact, Jinmo's first love affair was at a stage where he basically didn't understand anything, and he couldn't predict his own reaction, so he left a lot of jokes in the history of pure love and abstinence of veteran cadres.

The big pig's hoof Mo, who was a little more awake, tapped the table lightly.

"Sorry for taking up a lot of your time."

The members of Team Five shook their heads collectively.

"No delay, no delay."

Who dares to delay Team Jin's time?
Thumb was more straightforward. He put the wine case on his lap and waved his hands with satisfaction.

"You don't need to be so polite, we're here today because we're married. Hehe, Jin, do you want to think about my sister?"

(End of this chapter)

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