Chapter 817

Thumb's family is in business, and he likes to gamble, especially with rich people, because he seldom loses.

He carefully placed the wine case in his hand on the ground, and smiled at Jinmo, revealing his gold teeth.

"Ji team, is your GE team all together now?"

After he finished speaking, his eyes flicked over Lan Xueyun who was sitting in the seat without saying a word, and Yun Xi who was lazily leaning on the back of the chair with a smile on his lips.

The news that Mr. Yun is the mid laner has been officially recognized.

And this girl is really a team member selected by GE?

It turned out that he didn't believe the rumors in the e-sports circle, so he gambled with the poisonous mushroom of the Mars team, but the poisonous mushroom milked him and praised his unparalleled gambling skills, but it seems that he lost the bet? ?
Brother Thumb secretly gritted his teeth, he didn't want to lose, but he bet 100 yuan with the poisonous mushroom!

But with the facts in front of him, he had to admit that the only way to recover the loss was from Team Jin.

Thinking of this, Brother Thumb smiled slightly at Yunxi and Jinmo.

A slight smile is dazzling.

"Guys, the entertainment time is over now, how about we talk about some exciting things? How about we make a bet? Bet, the chips are [-], whoever loses will pay [-]."

As soon as he finished speaking, the members of the Five team quietly tugged at their captain's hair, and turned to look at Thumb with a grin.

The team members whispered.

"Officials don't allow gambling."

Big Brother smiled again, showing his golden teeth, and patted him on the shoulder, "What are you afraid of, GE's family fights are not afraid of our exposure, which shows that their trip is completely confidential."

"If you don't take the opportunity to win back the money you lost in the bet with the poisonous mushroom, wouldn't it be shameful for me to be the king of gambling?"

The lips of the team members moved, especially wanting to say—Captain, you were sucked by a poisonous mushroom just now, are you really not afraid of overturning your car?

But considering their captain's self-esteem inlaid with gold, he still gave up, and Jinmo was beyond their expectations and agreed.

Thumb laughed and took out his phone.

"Come on, come on, come on, BO1, one game will determine the outcome."

Although he smiled boldly, his eyes glanced at Lan Xueyun, who had never said a word and had no sense of presence among a group of handsome men in GE.

"This little girl is your new mid laner? It must be very skilled to be able to enter GE, haha, she is still a girl. Your GE is really holding back big news. If she is the top laner, she will be from the professional circle of Glory of Kings The first girl."

Jinmo didn't make a sound, and GE's collective performance was relatively indifferent.

As soon as Thumb rolled his eyes, he knew what was going on.

It seems that this little girl has not yet passed the review period, and she is still in a state of being fired at any time, and this girl has a very problematic mentality.

It's okay to have a problem.

GE has internal problems, and they will win this game.

Brother Thumb smiled boldly, and put down the words on his own.

"I think this girl is quite suitable for me. If she doesn't want to stay in your GE, why not come to our Five team, how about it? We are different from GE, and we are more free."

"Because we and GE have different philosophies. GE is a well-known team that believes in iron heads, while our Five team is much simpler. We play games for money."

"The higher your ability, the more you earn, little girl, you can think about it.",

Lan Xueyun raised her head timidly, and was looking at Brother Thumb with encouraging eyes, her lips were flattened, and there were tears in her eyes.

This is a normal team's level of talent.

GE is simply a devil!They don't treat people as people!

 Liu Ruchi: Chichi's other book "Quick Transmigration: King of Glory: Hero, lie down!" "Tonight's finale, it tells the story of the little brothers in the king~ If you are interested, you can go and see it~

(End of this chapter)

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