The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 819 Pipixi has a stomachache

Chapter 819 Pipixi has a stomachache
Thumbs up showed an appreciative smile, "Little girl, those who know current affairs are outstanding. Have you signed a contract with GE?"

"No! Not yet, I'm still in the review period!"

Lan Xueyun's voice was full of urgency, and Brother Thumb raised his hand to symbolically press down on her.

"Don't worry, little girl, shall we finish this game first and then talk?"

"it is good!"

Lan Xueyun almost sat up, but now she sat back. She also knew that her relationship with GE had broken when she said this, but it didn't matter. She didn't want to go back to GE after dinner this time.

The secret filming was discovered, and the indecent photos of Camus secretly photographed were also deleted. Now she has no way to escape, no way to escape, so she can only rely on the Five team first.

Lan Xueyun thought she lifted the chair quietly, but moved the chair up very obviously, and moved Yunxi and the group away from each other.

Thumb shrugged regretfully at Jinmo and pursed his lips.

"Jin, you don't seem to be treating people very well. Your beautiful female top laner seems to want to change jobs."

Jinmo had already opened the game of Glory of Kings, and his cold tone seemed a little uncomfortable.

"It's not something you can just poach if you just say poach it."

Jinmo's words made Thumbboy instantly interested in Lan Xueyun. It seems that Team Jin really cares about this woman?That's not bad, it's necessary to dig it out.

Thumbling made his own little calculation in his heart.

Yun Xi really wanted to give Jin Mo a thumbs up, this big pig's hoof played tricks on people's hearts.

The Five team is not a good place, they are more like an arsenal, players who are not strong enough will be eliminated without hesitation, and every trace of value of the players will be wiped out.

In order to make money, those who are capable are overdrawn, and they basically lose their health after playing one KPL.

Those who are incompetent are even more desperate to make money. For the chance to make a lot of money in the first blog, they will do everything possible and even use frame or private force to get in the position.

In this kind of place, Lan Xueyun, who has delusions, has strong self-esteem, has a big temper, is vain and saves face, and has low EQ and IQ, can imagine her fate if she enters this kind of place.

This is much more ruthless than directly asking Lan Xueyun to apologize and get out.

No, this alone is not Jinmo's goal...

Yunxi was thinking, she was pushed gently, Jinmo signaled her to open the game, and the game started.

Yunxi came back to her senses and opened her game interface. At the same time, she kept feeling a poisonous snake's gaze sticking tightly to her body.

She raised her head, and Thumb sitting across from her was smiling at her.

After this local tyrant wearing a pippi shrimp funny emoji pack opened the game, his whole state changed, from a stupid stingy local tyrant to a man like a poisonous snake.

He leaned on the back of the chair behind him, raised his legs like a grandfather, narrowed his small eyes, and the smile on his face became very charming.

"Young Master Yun, please give me your advice later."

"Please advise."

Yun Xi also said the same, eyes narrowed slowly.

I heard that this guy can also use two minds when playing games, watching other people's micro expressions to judge the next direction?
Really... a very interesting person.

There was a playful smile on the corner of Yun Xi's lips, and she also lazily leaned on the back of the chair, but her face suddenly turned pale.


Stomach hurts more...

It was as if someone was stirring the inside of the stomach with a knife, and the intestines would all be stirred into a ball.

The cold sweat dripped down Yunxi's face, and the others didn't notice when they entered the competition state. Jinmo looked sideways and almost stood up.

Yun Xi grabbed his wrist and shook his head.

(End of this chapter)

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