The e-sports life of men's clothing

Chapter 820 Even if you come to my aunt...

Chapter 820 Even if you come to my aunt...

After the game is agreed, the game will be played, and the stomachache is nothing.

Even if you come to the aunt...


Yun Xi gritted her teeth secretly, her face turned pale.

Yunxi pressed Jinmo's wrist and turned her head. The big brother opposite her grinned, her false teeth shining brightly, "Mr. Yun? Are you feeling uncomfortable? Otherwise, let's stop and compare next time?"

After finishing speaking, Brother Thumb smiled and added another sentence.

"No wonder Team Jin invited me to play a friendly match today, and treat me to such a good meal. It turns out that GE is so weak that it can only play a game against a professional team by treating guests."

"It's okay to have a fight with Team Jin just now, but my stomach hurts when it comes to the game. Mr. Yun, you are also very good. Is it because the milk in the hotel is poisonous and doesn't suit your appetite?"

Brother Thumb stroked his chin and spoke provocatively.

He said that on purpose, because he wanted Young Master Yun to continue the fight and not allow the match to be postponed for such a ridiculous reason.

As I said, he is a businessman, and the businessman must estimate the current value of GE, and estimate the capabilities of Mr. Yun, who is favored by people.

Therefore, Mr. Yun must not be absent. It doesn't matter whether Mr. Yun is abnormal or not. He needs to understand this person's habits from Mr. Yun's micro expression.

Thumb's provocative words naturally aroused Gong Yiheng's anger. Gong Yiheng clenched his fists so as not to hit the table, but his voice was already angry.

"The brat is in good health, he is already weak! If he hadn't drank the raw milk a few days ago, today..."


Before Gong Yiheng finished speaking, Yun Xi coughed lightly and interrupted him.

Stupidly, he drank the raw milk directly, and after drinking it, he still had a fever. After he had a fever, he threw Jinmo down, so Jinmo found out that the girl's identity was taken advantage of again...

It all sucks.

She didn't want to mention it again.

"I'm fine, let's keep fighting."

After Yunxi said that, Gong Yiheng wanted to refute something, gritted his teeth, and sat back in his seat.

Sitting a little far away from them, Lan Xueyun was shaking with anger, the hand holding the phone was shaking and shaking, and the phone was shaking uncontrollably because of her movements.

She didn't understand, since she was a girl like a giant panda, why didn't GE people cherish her?

She is the girl, the only girl, but she hasn't received the treatment she deserves since she entered GE.

Ha ha.

Lan Xueyun never thought about what was wrong with what she did after joining the team. In fact, Jinmo didn't directly fire her and ask her to apologize and compensate, it was already the biggest concession she made in the face of a girl.

It's a pity that Lan Xueyun doesn't know how to cherish Jinmo's "concession", so she can only push herself to a desperate situation step by step.

In the final analysis, all the choices are made by herself, no one forces her, right?
Yunxi agreed to continue playing, and the game continued.

When the two teams entered the B/P interface, Big Thumb lowered his head and chuckled, "Sincerely, our team is sincerely fighting against you, so I hope you will take it seriously. After all, no one wants to lose in a professional game, right? "

After finishing speaking, his team moved Baili to keep the promise.

Jinmo nodded, motioning for others to continue, he took off his coat and stood up, walked to Yun Xi's side, wrapped Yun Xi's stomach with his black coat.

"Stand up for a moment."

Jinmo signaled Yunxi to stand up.

(End of this chapter)

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